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[ hey, there's some smut
ahead so read at your own risk ]

August 13th, 2018

Jaemin had woken up earlier than usual, a burning feeling coming from the inside of his thigh waking him up and causing him to groan in pain.

The seven boys were sprawled out on jaemin's bedroom floor, jaemin being wrapped in jeno's arms on his bed rather than the floor.

They had stayed up until past midnight the night before, wanting to tell jaemin happy birthday as soon as they could.

Jaemin could see it was still dark out, barely any light coming from behind his curtains. He checked his phone to see that it was barely 6:20 in the morning, he had gotten maybe 5 hours of sleep.

He sighed and turned his phone off, feeling jeno move and drape an arm around jaemin's waist lightly. Jeno was laid out on his stomach, face pressed into one of jaemin's pillows and arm draped over the younger.

Jaemin smiled before jeno moved again and laid out on his back, groaning in his sleep before relaxing again. Jaemin felt his thigh tingle again before he turned his body and laid on jeno's chest. His arms around the boys waist and his head resting in the crook of jeno's neck.

Jaemin sighed softly before slowly drifting back to sleep, dreaming of jeno and him together as soulmates. The older unconsciously hugging jaemin's waist in his sleep and sighed softly at having something to hold on to.

A few hours later, jaemin was woken up again by the sounds of soft murmuring and the smell of burnt toast. He groaned and hugged whatever he was clinging onto tighter, he heard a soft chuckle before tensing and lifting his head up.

Coming to the realization that he was on top of jeno made him blush and groan in embarrassment, jeno thought he was adorable though and cupped jaemin's cheek lightly.

"Happy birthday baby" the older said and jaemin felt like his heart was going to explode from happiness. Who knew the cold hearted Na Jaemin who cared for no one, would fall in love with the sweetest most sexiest human on this earth. He swore he'd be alone forever and not give two shits about his soulmate, guess he was wrong.

"gmorning" he mumbled and snuggled back into jeno's chest, humming in content as the older hugged him closer to his chest.

"get up you lazy shits! Mama hyuck made eggs and toast" renjun said as he burst through the door, jaemin groaned but unlatched himself from jeno anyways.

Jaemin groggily made his way to his kitchen, jeno right behind him with a hand on the younger's waist to lead him. They sat down after grabbing a plate and dug in, jaemin getting more than everyone else since he was the birthday boy.

After a whole day of playing video games, running around, watching movies, and everyone playing with jaemin's hair, they all started to leave one by one. Jaemin's parents texting him a happy birthday and that they'd most likely be home late, he knew they were giving him more time with jeno.

The sun was fixing to set when donghyuck left jaemin's house with mark in tow, yelling for them to use protection and try to keep it down for the neighbors. Jaemin blushed at his words and shut the door quickly, jeno laughed at his flusteredness and dragged him to his room.

Jeno claimed he wanted cuddles, throwing jaemin in the bed and climbing on top of him before flopping down and hugging the younger tightly. "you're such a big softie" jaemin said and ran his fingers through jeno's hair lightly.

He felt a tingling on his thigh again and then burning, gasping at the small pain and scrunching up his face. Jeno noticed and lifted his head up from jaemin's chest, looking at him in worry and confusion.

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