Sneaking out and Following UFO's

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Hey everyone! *waves frantically* So this is my first fanfic and I fear that I have no self control over the length of my chapters. I am sorry. I'll try to include music so you don't get bored reading super long chapters. Hope you like it, and stick around to read the next.

Okay, now I'll leave alone so you can read in peace without me annoying you *ducks behind bush* *peeks back up with binoculars and black paint over my face, leaves in my hair* Sorry. I'll leave now.


My eyes are fixed on the video, though I already know what's going to happen. Lance will play his charismatic know-it-all,— as per usual— Hunk will throw up, and Pidge will argue with Lance.

It's always the same deal, but today I'm finding it hard to keep my laughter under wraps. My shoulders are shaking with laughter and a giggle occasionally escapes my mouth which makes Commander Iverson give me the stink eye.

When Lance breaks the wing off with his flying, though, I really can't hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing. Everyone gives me uneasy or irritated looks and I think Iverson actually growls at me.

I never really did think that man was completely human.

I try to suppress my laughter, but even that took a few tries. I'm still giggling when they come out of the simulator.

"Roll out, donkeys," Iverson rumbles as the hatch opens.

All three walk out of the simulator with different facial expressions. Pidge is glaring at Lance, Hunk looks sick and a little green in the face, and Lance looks sheepish. They go to stand in line, waiting for Iverson's inevitable berating with similar expressions of dread.

"Let's see if we can't use this complete failure as a lesson for the rest of you students," Iverson starts.

I cross my arms and purse my lips, preparing myself for the heavy beating my friends are about to get. Honestly, these three make a spectacular team when they want to but, being friends also means the occasional playful banter and sarcastic remarks. Apparently, that isn't allowed at the Garrison.

"Can anyone point out the mistakes these three so-called cadets made in the simulator?" Iverson asks.

By now, all three of them are staring down at their feet. One student, Enrico, raises his hand.

"The engineer puked in the main gearbox," he says.

Hunk cringes at the memory. Must've been unpleasant, poor guy.

"Yes," Iverson replies. "As everyone knows, vomit is not an approved lubricant for engine systems. What else?"

Adaku, a tall, Nigerian girl, speaks up, "the com spec removed his safety harness."

I sigh. Of course Pidge had done so. She's so small compared to most of the other students.

"The pilot crashed!" know-it-all Harriet exclaims, throwing her arm up, as if scared to be left out.

"Correct. And worst of all, the whole jump, they're arguing with each other," Iverson rants on. "Heck, if you're going to be this bad individually, you'd better at least be able to work as a team!"

The team looks crestfallen and Iverson stands up straighter. Ah. here comes the grand speech after the tirade. This is the one that's supposed to sting worse than the criticism.

"Galaxy Garrison exists to turn young cadets like you into the next generation of elite astroexplorers, but these kinds of mental mistakes are exactly what cost the lives of the men on the Kerberos Mission."

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