Purple Lions and Strange Planets

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  Keith and I are about to climb in our pod when Allura calls us. Well, me, more specifically.

"Nova!" she calls.

Lance and Hunk are already in hangar, Shiro and Pidge are probably in their pods, all waiting to leave together and Alien Weasley is probably getting ready for takeoff.

"Yeah?" I turn around.

"I need to warn you both," she says once she reaches us. "But mostly Nova." She turns to me. "The Purple Lion is the heart of Voltron, so mastering it will most likely prove a challenge. As the heart, its mood can change easily, thus making it very unpredictable. I do not know what awaits you, but I urge you to be careful."

I nod. "Of course," I tell her.

She nods. "Good luck, paladins."

She turns and walks away, back to the control room.

"Nova," Keith says. I turn around. "We both know that you always have a way of finding trouble."

I huff. "No, trouble always has a way of finding me."

He grins. "Right."

"It's true!"

"Nova, get in the pod so you can all take off and find your lions," Alien Weasley's voice crackles from the pod.

I climb in and take a seat next to Keith while Alien Weasley activates the pod and we fly out of the castle. I glance out the window. On one side, I see the other pod and on the other I can see the Blue Lion. the pod veers left, the lion veers right and we keep flying straight forward. A wormhole appears ahead.

"We can only keep the wormholes that lead to the other lions open for two of your Earth hours, so you'll have to be quick about your work," Alien Weasley announces on the com. "The good news is that according to my readings, all three of the planets are relatively peaceful."

"Relative to what?" I ask, unsure if he can hear me or not.

"So if you do get stuck, they could be relaxing places to live out the rest of your lives. Enjoy the trip!"

His enthusiasm doesn't make me feel any better. The place suddenly feels like it's closing in and it's suddenly difficult to breathe and my hands are shaking as—

"I'm sure they'll be able to find us if we get lost," Keith whispers reassuringly, his hand on my shoulder.

I start relaxing. "I suppose so."

I stare up ahead, leaning back against my seat, as our pod flies into the wormhole. I can still feel residues of my near panic attack as I hold my hand in front of me and see it shaking a bit.

"It'll be fine," Keith says. "We'll be in and out in less than two hours and we won't get left behind, right?"

I exhale. "Yeah," I feel myself become more confident. "Yeah, this is gonna be easy!"

Keith smiles and I let out a laugh.

I look ahead and see the planet. "Wow," I breathe. "It's so cool."

The planet was small, with rings around it, like Saturn, and was pink and orange with some black, that I assume to be the ocean, and some white clouds peppering the scene in long stripes.

The pod enters the atmosphere— thank gods there's one— and I see that the pink areas are trees and that the orange is just desert area. The black is indeed ocean, but it looks like it's contaminated. The pod lands us in a small clearing in a big forest of pink trees shaped to resemble weeping willows.

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