Candy Corn and Insults

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  "Galra," I growl under my breath.

I run harder. I turn the corner and see, among the rubble and smoke, a humanoid figure in blue with red hair getting up with difficulty.

"Coran!" I yell, running towards him and fall to my knees and setting the bowl down to help him sit up. "Are you okay? Where's Lance?"

I look around, but the smoke keeps me from seeing anything. Maybe he left earlier?

I see five figures walk up to me, cloaked by the smoke. I raise my bayard, ready to attack if it's the Galra, but put it away when I see that it's the others, minus Lance.

"What happened?" Shiro asks when he sees us.

Alien Weasley groans. "I'm not sure."

I look up as the smoke clears and see that the crystal has been destroyed. Major uh-oh chills run down my spine. This has Galra written all over it. We're vulnerable, and they'll take advantage of it.

"The crystal!" Allura gasps.

We all step forward and see Lance lying on the ground, unconscious.

"Lance!" Allura gasps.

I stand where I am, frozen in place, as Shiro runs to him to check if he's still alive. I grab Keith's hand and squeeze it.

"Lance? Lance!" he says, picking him up.

Lance groans and I exhale, releasing my grip on keith. So he's alive.

"We have to get Lance to the infirmary," Pidge says.

I frown. "If the power's out, aren't the cryo-pods out for the count, too?"

"Nova's right," Allura says. "Without the crystal, the Castle has no power."

"He doesn't look good," Shiro says.

"Lion warriors!" the Arusian king says, clearly distressed. Oh, what now? "Our village is under attack! We need help!"

I curse under my breath.

"Let's get to the lions!" Keith says.

"You can't," Allura says. "They're sealed in their hangars. There's no way to get them out."

"You can if you make a big enough hole," I shrug. "I'm being serious. Take a bazooka and smoke those doors."

"They're blast resistant." Oh. Never mind, then. "We're defenseless."

"Will you help us?" the king asks.

"We'll help you," Keith says. "We just..."

Lance groans and I look over. I bit my lip. I'm no doctor, but even I can tell that he needs help, and fast.

"This is bad," Hunk says.

"We have to get a new crystal to get the Castle working again," Alien Weasley says, standing on his own. "But, to get a new crystal, we need a ship."

"The pod I was loading," Pidge says. "We can use that! I left the bay door open."

"I can use the scanner in the pod to see if there's a Balmera nearby." A what? What's a balmera? Is that dangerous? Is it alive? "Hunk, you come with me. I'll need someone big to help me carry the crystal."

"A Balmera?" Hunk asks.

Personally, to me it sounds like a brand of skin cream. But that's just me.

"It's where the crystals come from. I'll tell you about it on the way!"

"I'll go see what's happening at the Arusian village," Keith says.

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