Trials and Errors (Part II)

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  Trial Number Three.

We're all in our lions, flying high above the clouds in formation.

"You'll never be able to form Voltron unless each of you has a strong bond with his or her lion," Alien Weasley says.

"No problem. Me and Blue are best buds for life, for real," Lance boasts.

I'm less enthusiastic. Last time I'd tried, I'd been interrupted, and I don't know if i'll be able to do it again.

"Perfect! Then you won't have any issues with this exercise. Everyone, put your lions into a nose dive."

We do as we're told.

"This is an expert-level drill you really shouldn't attempt until you've been flying for years, but we're in a bit of a rush, so here we go."

Oh, good. For a second, I thought we'd have a real chance of dying.

"Awesome," I mutter.

"Activating training helmets!"

My vision goes black. "Gah!" I yell, almost crushing my handles in the process.

"Aahh!" I hear Lance screech. "Coran, what's happening? I can't see!"

"You must learn to see through your lion's eyes," Alien Weasley tells us. "The goal is to pull up right before you crash into the ground. Feel what the lions feels!"

"Mine feels scared!" Hunk whimpers.

I close my eyes, but Lance and Keith's bickering keep me from concentrating.

"You still going, Keith?" Lance asks.

"You know it. You?" comes the reply.

"Going? I'm—"

I tap the side of my helmet, silencing them all. I actually figured that out a while ago, when I was playing with my helmet earlier today. It's actually quite helpful.

I close my eyes, and try to picture my energy, like I'd done earlier. I see it, and now, I search for the energy around me. I feel a pull and focus on that. I can see something, now. I can feel more energy flow around me. I reach out mentally towards it and manage to grasp it. I feel it swirl around me and flow through me, merging our energies as one. Suddenly, I can see clearly around me, even though my eyes remain closed, but it feels different, it feels... not mine. I can see through my lion's eyes! I tap the side of my helmet excitedly, and pull up right before I hit the ground. I whoop victoriously as I fly close to the ground, an ecstatic laugh escaping my lips.

I fly over rocks and boulders and underneath archs, flying out of the canyon.

"This is amazing!" I yell in exhilaration.

"I think I'm getting this," I hear Shiro say.

"Excellent, Shiro and Nova!" I hear Alien Weasley congratulate.

I pull up and fly back to the Castle without even needing to see.

Trial Number Three is partly a success.


Trial Number Four.

I'm sitting in a circle in the training room with my fellow paladins. We're all facing each other and bear strange headband things on our heads. My eyes are closed.

"The most important part of paladin training is being able to meld your minds and focus on one thing: Voltron," Alien Weasley says over the PA. "everything else has to fade away. This technique will be essential everytime you form Voltron. So, relax and open your mind. No walls, no secrets between paladins."

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