4th of July Special

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Okay, so I'm not American, but I live in America, so I do celebrate the 4th of July, and a French celebration called Bastille Day, which is 10 days after. It's basically the French 4th of July. Except we celebrate taking a prison. *shrugs*.

 Anyways, the 4th of July is fun. There are fireworks, parties, red, blue and white everywhere, and cake and barbecue. That's how we do it with our friends anyways. 

So I thought that maybe Team Voltron would celebrate 4th of July 2018, in space, with aliens, and fun. So here we go. Enjoy! (Also, the video above is just a lot of fun to watch and I love Anthem Lights, and I feel that the 4th of July is a time of fun, so there we are).


I knock on Pidge's door. She opens it, and I see that she is grinning wickedly and there's a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You ready for this?" I whisper.

"You betcha," Pidge replies. "Let's do this."

"Mission 4th of July/Bastille Day is a go."

We run down the hall towards the lounge. Once there, I lift the seat cushion on one of the couches. Pidge and I had learned recently that the couches are empty underneath. So that's where we stuffed all of our 4th of July decorations. We pull out streamers and confetti and balloons, all made with red, white and blue. We even made some banners with paint and glitter.

It's been a few days since our last battle with the Galra. The Castle was hit pretty badly and we had to stop at the nearest planet, which was thankfully not yet conquered by the Galra. It's planet Ourbos, and though the Ourbosians have party equipment resembling human party equipment, the people do not look anything like humans. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. All of them have four arms, and three eyes. Their skin is blue, their hair is every color imaginable, and changes according to their mood, and they all have blue eyes, but each with subtle variations. They're about the same size as us, but that's it for the similarities. They also all have dog-like tails and antlers. 

But the best thing about them is that they love to party.

Pidge and I gather up as many things as we can and, with devious grins on our faces, go in every room of the Castle to hang up streamers and balloons and banners. We leave the confetti there  for now. We have very special plans for that.

It's now midnight. It takes us around three hours to hang up all of the streamers and balloons and banners in all of the rooms in the Castle. It's a big Castle, but we have large supplies.

Pidge and I do this every year. It's my family's tradition, which Pidge adopted. We prank everyone for the whole day and then celebrate for the whole night. And just because we're in space, doesn't mean we have to let family traditions die.

Pidge and I take time with the confetti. We install it in the control room, making it so when someone activates the controls, confetti will spray everywhere. Then we get on with the other pranks. I go into each paladins' room and I place balloons, on which I've drawn smiley faces. My favorite thing to do is make the eyes very detailed, and then just draw a line for the mouth. To spice it up, I decided to inverse it. Make the eyes dots and make very detailed lips. Oh, and don't forget the cameras the Pidge made from scratch to record each paladin's reaction. Even Allura and Alien Weasley can't escape our evil pranks.

While I'm doing the Smiley Prank, Pidge is cooking breakfast. That's good because she has no idea how to cook. I really hope she makes spicy breakfast and salty coffee. That's the best.

Then, we both pair up to make the best prank. Leaving small plastic camels all over the Castle. Well, shouldn't that baffle everyone. We tried to move the furniture, but being a flying ship, everything is screwed into the ground.

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