Invasions, Threats and Purple Cats

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  We get back to the castle and see, once we enter the hangar, that Shiro and Pidge came back and were successful.

"Hello everyone!" I call as we walk in.

"How was it?" Shiro asks.

"Easy," I say. "We found a village, asked for directions, and only got attacked by two Galra and falling rocks. I call that a success."

Pidge nudges me. "Nice necklace," she says.

"Thanks," I smile sadly. "We saved an old lady, there," I tell them, but mostly Allura and Alien Weasley. "Apparently, the Galra took over their village and forced all the men and women except the old and the young, to work in the Sâelite mines. We need to save them. I told her Voltron was back."

Allura smiles softly at me. "We are going to save them," she tells me. "We're going to save all of them."

"Yeah, I know," I say. "So, anyways, how was your mission, guys?"

Pidge smiled. "Oh, peace of cake! There were no Galra and no one attacked us!"

"Pfft, lucky."

"Somebody's jealous."

I stick my tongue out.

Just then, Hunk and Lance walk it, groaning and rubbing their sore muscles.

"You made it," Allura says, relieved.

"Yeah, just barely," Lance says. "That was a nightmare. I almost puked out there. I felt like Hunk!"

"Think how I felt. I am Hunk."

Keith and I exchange smirks.

"Yeah. we had a tough time, too," Pidge says, giving Shiro a sideways glance.

"Did we find the Red Lion, yet?" Shiro asks.

Keith and I both glanced at the two Alteans, wondering the same thing.

"Allura just located it," Alien Weasley tells us, playing with his moustache. "There's a bit of good news and bad news. The good news is, the Red Lion is nearby. The bad news is, it's on board that Galra ship now orbiting Arus. but wait, good news again, we're Arus."

"That's two bad news," I accuse. "And the fact that we're Arus is neither good, nor exciting."

"They're here already?" Shiro asks in disbelief.

"Yes. guess my calculations were a bit off." A bit? "Finger counting— it's more of an art than a science."

Also, the ship structure could have evolved in ten thousand years, but sure, blame it on the finger counting. The screen in front of us started getting static until a face appeared.

"Ahh," I exclaim in disgust.

It's human-ish, with purple fur and huge, and I mean huge, cat ears. One of his eyes is a cyborg prosthetic and the other is just golden, no iris or pupil.

"Princess, Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra Empire," the weird cat thing says.

"Well, I hope he's got a good personality, 'cause what's on the outside, yikes."

Keith elbows me in the ribs and Sendak glares at me, but continues. "I come on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the Known Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over to me, or I will destroy your planet."

I frown. "Why?"
He glares at me, the others look horrified. My eyes go wide.

I let out a string of curses in English among other languages. "I said that out loud didn't I?" I mumble.

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