Alien Invasions and Giant Robots

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  The music video for Alligator Sky is amazing, guys. Owl City is great. You guys should listen to his songs. ENJOY the story AND the song! P.S.: it comes up later in the story, you'll see


"NOVA!" I hear Keith yell.

I'm spinning— literally— and, on top of that, my jetpack's broken. Great. Just great. I look around for something, anything, but something engulfs me and I'm surrounded in darkness. I sit up, grinning, and pat the inside of my lion.

"Good kitty, Vi," I say as I listlessly get back to my feet and stagger to my seat. I take off my helmet and give myself a second to breathe. My hair is plastered to my face by sweat. I wipe my forehead, wiping away sweat and strands of stray hair that stuck there.

"Nova... do you read?.." a voice crackles to life on the com set of my discarded helmet.

I pick up my helmet and put it on. "Yeah, Keith, I'm alive. Vi picked me up. Did the Red Lion work, yet?"


I frown a bit. He sounds out of breath, but then again, so am I.

"Great, let's head back to Arus, then."

"Nova..." Keith pants.


"I'm gonna kill you."

I laugh as I guide Vi back to the planet, and the castle.

Back at the castle, Allura guides our lions into forming a semi circle around a door where the Black Lion is supposed to be stashed away.

I managed to get my hands on my messenger bag right before and I pulled out a water bottle and took some nice, long drinks before making myself comfortable. I'm still exhausted from my very busy day and sleepless night, but the water woke me up a bit more.

I take another drink, my feet propped up on my dashboard, waiting for something amazing to happen, one earbud in and humming along to the song playing. It's Alligator Sky by Owl City. The rap version. I start drumming my fingers on my stomach. My messenger bag is sitting in one corner of my cockpit and it takes incredible effort not to reach over and pull out my book of mythology.

I glance out just as the door starts glowing. I put aways my water bottle, pull out my earbud and sit up correctly as the doors lift up. I stare in awe at the huge, black lion with red and blue wings sitting there calmly. It's even more impressive in real life. It stands up and roars and I feel my lion standing up and roaring back in response.

"Whoa, hey!" I exclaim as I fall out of my seat because of the sudden movement. "I'm fine."

I sit back in my seat and put my helmet back on as Shiro climbs into the Black Lion.

Immediately, Allura's voice crackles to life on the coms. "Sendak is entering the Arusian atmosphere. We need Voltron now!"

The Black Lion roars as Shiro makes it fly out and I make my lion follow, just like the others do. We fly out of the castle and land in the courtyard. I watch as small fighter jets shoot at the particle barrier. At least the barrier's holding up. For now. I widen my eye when a purple blast comes at us from the mothership and hits the barrier. For a minute, all I can see is orange and I groan as the whole cliff rumbles violently. Then, as quickly as it started, everything is back to normal.

"Man, those Galra guys repair things fast," Hunk comments.

"The barrier gets weaker with every blast," Alien Weasley tells us. "Once that shield goes down, the castle will be defenseless."

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