Strange Food and Stranger Aliens

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  "Great job training today, guys," Shiro congratulates us. "We're really getting the hang of Voltron."

We all walk out of the lion hangars, chatting happily about our morning training session. Well, I'm not happy about it. I still haven't found a coffee substitute, and I had less than three hours of sleep last night. So did Pidge, but she doesn't murder people for saying 'hi'. I actually threw my spoon at Shiro when he asked me to pass the goo at breakfast this morning and chased Lance around while throwing knives at him because he asked me why I looked like a zombie.

I'm just not a morning person, okay?

And the fact that I have to survive on space fruit and those funny pink and green rectangles does not make it better. I really don't like the goo. I had some for dinner and actually threw it up because my stomach couldn't— well— stomach it.

But it was noon, and I'd calmed down a bit.

"Seriously, how far do you think my lion kicked that broken alien ship?" Lance asks us. "Must have been like a mile!"

"Yeah, that'll come in handy when the Galra challenges Voltron to a soccer match," Keith replies, annoyed.

I stick behind, watching in amusement, while the others kept walking.

"Hey, I did something cool and you can't handle it. I get it."

"Your kick ruined our balance. We fell."

Keith walks away, and Lance and I follow. I catch up to Keith.

"That falling part was Hunk's fault."

"Hey!" Hunk complains, pulling his helmet off.

I take a seat next to Keith at the dining table and also pull my helmet off.

"All right, save your energy for fighting Zarkon!" Shiro cuts in.

"What energy?" I ask.

"Seriously, Nova?" Keith asks me. "You obviously didn't see yourself this morning."

I huff, but blush a bit. "That wasn't energy. That was sleep deprivation. There's a difference, Mister."

Keith chuckles and I feel all mushy inside. This is getting ridiculous. It's been three years since I've been crushing on my best friend, and it only seems to get worse. Soon, I'll be a stuttering mess! Well, I doubt that. We've known each other too long. Talking comes as smoothly as breathing. I sigh. Three years, and I'm still not brave enough to tell him. I really don't know what's holding me back. Stupid, silly fears. Keith is not gonna stop being my friend if I confess. Maybe I'm just afraid of getting hurt. Yeah, maybe. Feelings are so confusing.

Alien Weasley's entrance snaps me out of my thoughts. "Hello, guys!" he says, a silver platter in his hands. "How was Voltron workout?"

"We're getting there," Shiro says. "Are you and Allura almost done fixing the Castle so we can leave this planet? I feel like we're sitting ducks here on Arus."

Alien Weasley sets the platter down. "Just about. In the meantime, to get your minds off those duck seats you're worried about, I made you guys an authentic ancient paladin lunch!"

Alien Weasley pulls off the top and I see a green thing with yellow blobs sticking out. The smell hits me and I gag. I push my seat back to get away from that... that thing so fast, my chair falls backwards with me in it. I pick myself up and back away.

"No, no, no!" I yell. "No way."

Keith and Pidge are looking at me, but the others look at the thing in disgust.

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