Trust Issues and Other Unwanted Problems

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  We walk out of the Castle with a big, heavy box. Hunk is pulling, while I'm pushing. We're both struggling, but no one comes to help us. They're too busy asking Rolo questions. Thanks, guys.

"Well, I hope there are some parts in there that'll fit," Hunk groans.

He stops pulling, and I stop pushing. I look up, wiping my brow, and see Hunk looking at the others. Shiro, Allura and Keith are sitting around a fire, talking with Rolo.

"You want me to pull?" I pant.

"You know, to get your ship moving?" Hunk tells Rolo.

"Great! Thanks." Rolo doesn't budge.

Amazing. Keith turns to look at me. I shake my head and trace a finger across my throat. The universal sign for 'danger'. He looks at Rolo and then back at me and shakes his head. How can he trust them? I groan loudly.

"I'll pull, Hunk," I say.

I don't even give him time to reply. Hunk looks at me. "Are you okay?"
I bang my forehead against the thing we used to pull this sucker, hoping that if I hit it enough times, it'll kill me.

"They trust them," I say. "How? It's obvious they're hiding something."

Hunk walks over to them. "Sorry to interrupt," he says, not looking very sorry. Thank you, Hunk. "But I think you guys are kind of keeping Rolo from working. It's just that we're in a hurry. A hero named Shay saved my life, and I swore I would return to do the same for her and her people." I smile at that. How adorable. "You understand."

Rolo stand up. "Sure. Sorry."

He pats Hunk's shoulder, who glares at him. I walk to him, ready to calm him down.

"I'll check out their ship, 'kay?" I ask quietly, so the others can't hear. "I'm sure that you'll refrain from killing him without me?"

He nods and I walk discreetly to their ship. I take my helmet off and place it on one of the boxes and start poking around.

"Nova?" I hear Hunk's voice. I jump and turn around, ready to see him at the entrance hatch, but it comes from my helmet. I walk over and grab it.

"Yeah?" I ask. "Wassup, man?"

"Anything, yet?"

"Nope. I just started looking."

"It's crazy. Even Shiro trusts him."

"Well, I don't. And neither do you." I think for a second. "Hey, Hunk?"

"Where are Lance and Nyma?"

"Talking, away from the others, why?"

I sigh."Because I get the feeling that if we get jumped, it's because Lance did something."

"I'll try to keep and eye on them. And Rolo."

"Okay. I'll come down as soon as I can to help you."

I take my helmet off and put it back on the box. I twirl my long braid around my finger as I look around.

"Now, where do I start?" I say out loud.

I grin as I head towards the cockpit. That's always the best place to start an investigation.

A while later, while I'm looking around near the entrance hatch, I hear Hunk's voice from my helmet.

"What is it, Hunk?" I ask.

"Lance is parading around his lion with Nyma," he tells.

"Di immortales," I curse under my breath. "It's fine. Keep an eye on Rolo. I'm about halfway done, anyways."

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