Balmeras and Galra Gibberish

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Hey, so sorry for the long wait. Like I said, I've been caught up watching Dan and Phil and I haven't had the time to update. But now I have come BACK to LIFE! (Night at the Museum reference. This is why I'm still single).


The Castle flies towards Balmera. I gape this is not what I was expecting. It's a small planet, maybe the size of Pluto, with large holes and spires visible from our position. I see some white clouds, but everything else is just yellow, and green, and maroon, and burgundy. It's actually pretty, in a way. I focus on my sketch again.

"We'll be arriving at the Balmera soon," Allura tells us.

I look up from my sketchbook. I'm sitting cross legged in my seat in the control room. I've been sitting here for the past few hours, sketching, only getting up for one bathroom break and to get myself some snacks.

I've been sketching a drawing of Keith holding a kitten in his arm, looking delighted. That's the face he made when I offered him that kitten on his sixteenth birthday, two years ago. I smile at the memory. For days I pestered him to tell me his cat's name, but he would blush every time I mentioned it and avoided the question. Eventually, I learned that he'd named him Supernova. I found it so adorable, but it also made me blush whenever I think about it.

I smile at the memory as I darken Keith's hair a bit more. I finished the drawing a while ago, but I'm still hung up on the small details. Hunk had left a few hours earlier to hang the picture of Shay that I drew him in his room, but he hasn't come back. Lance is sleeping, drool dripping out of the corner of his mouth, Keith is reading the Mark of Athena, which I'd given to him when we came back on the ship after the Rolo and Nyma incident, and Pidge is typing away on her holographic screen. When I asked about it, she said that she was trying to make a Rover 2.0, which I'm excited to see.

Alien Weasley, Allura, and Shiro are the only ones who have been paying attention all throughout the five hour flight.

"Uh-huh," I say, not really listening.

Just then, Hunk walks back in and takes his seat, while a sudden jostle makes Lance wake up.

"Liberating these Balmerans from Zarkon's grasp will not be easy," Allura says.

"When will it ever be?" I ask.

I stand when Shiro beckons us to stand in the center of the control room with him and Allura. I set down my sketchbook and charcoal pencil and walk over, wiping my blackened fingers on my jeans.

"So what's the plan?" Lance asks, his arms crossed. "We just go in there and just- pow, pow, pow!" He makes finger guns. "And free the prisoners?"

"What was that noise?" Keith asks.

"What the heck was that?" I ask at the same time.

"Laser guns," Lance replies.

"No, Lance, I think you mean-" Hunk imitates what I can only place as a cannon.

"That sounds like fireworks." Lance crosses his arms.

"Try cannons," I say.

"Technically they're more like- ba-choo, ba-choo, ba-choo!" Pidge puts her two hands together to make a gun.

"No way," I say. "If anything, it'd sound more like-" I smoothly imitate the sound of a machine gun, while I pantomime holding one and spraying it in a semi-circle.

"That's a machine gun," Keith says with a deadpan expression.

"Okay, enough with the bad sound effects," Shiro cuts in before crossing his arms over his chest. "Besides it's more like - blam, blam, blam!" He gets down to one knee and pretends to shoot.

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