Myths vs. Reality

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  I stay where I am for a minute and, when I'm sure that it's going to take a while, go to a corner and sit on the ground, cross legged, leaning back against the wall. I'm really tired from our earlier retrieval of the Purple Lion. Too much running. I toy with my earrings, which I'd changed up before I'd left with Pidge earlier last night, I believe. I wanted to see the result of putting a star shaped earring and a moon shaped earring together. I'd liked the result, and decided to keep it until I went to bed. I smiled at the memory.

I rummage through my messenger bag— which I'd taken with me on my mission since there is everything I need in there— and pull out the book my sister Selene had offered me on my birthday, back in August. It's a pretty heavy book with a black cover decorated with a bronze drawing of Aegis and written in big, bronze letters above: Bulfinch's Mythology. I open the book to where I'd left off and continue reading.

Occasionally, I look up to see how the arguing is going. Keith and Pidge have teamed up to yell and Hunk and Lance, the former who keeps yelling 'snake' every once in a while. I see Shiro throw his hands up in defeat and walking away when he sees me. I wave him over and he walks to me.

He sits down next to me. "You're not arguing with them?" he asks.

"Nah. I'm on Keith's side, but the princess will tell us what to do, so what's the point of arguing?"

He laughs at that. "What are you reading?"

I look up, my eyes sparkling, feeling all giddy.

"It's a collection of three stories written by Thomas Bulfinch in the 19th century. He's basically rewritten some Greek mythology, along with Roman and Norse and wrote down some Arthurian legends and other British legends like the Mabinogion, which is Welsh, but whatever. He even wrote down some stories of Charlemagne. You know, the French king who created school? Anyways, it's a really, really cool book."

Shiro laughs. "You remind me of Katie when I ask her about a book. She gets like that too."

I blush. "O—oh? Yeah, I remember Katie." I laugh nervously. If only he knew.

"Matt also got like that when someone got him started on space. He just couldn't shut up."

I laugh.

"My sister Rhea, you know the one who spilled chocolate pudding all over your suit when you came over for Thanksgiving? Well, she's ten, now. She's going on and on about cooking and baking. She insists on making us breakfast and dinner. She wants to own a bakery or a restaurant when she grows up and she's addicted to this English show, the Great British Baking Show, I think."

I smile sadly and Shiro notices. "Don't worry," he tells me. "We'll defeat Zarkon and you'll see them in no time."

I frown sadly. "In no time, huh?"

Just then, the doors open and Allura steps out. Shiro and I quickly stand and hurry to go and stand with the others.

Allura has changed her outfit. She's now wearing a white suit with some pink, navy blue and light blue sprinkled around. Her long, white hair has been twisted up into a bun. She looks ready for battle.

"You six paladins were brought here for a reason," she tells us. "The Voltron lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It is our destiny. Voltron is the universe's only hope. We are the universe's only hope."

"We're with you, Princess," Shiro says, speaking on all of our behalf.

"Good, then follow me. Nova, you can leave your bag here."

She walks away and we follow. I trail behind since I take the time to leave my messenger bag behind, in the corner where I sat, as Allura told me to do.

She leads us to a dark room which blazes to life when we walk in. I blink in the harsh light and see six cylindrical tubes with suits inside of them once my vision readjusts.

"Your suits of armor," Allura announces.

We all walk to stand in front of the suit with the color of our lion. Mine is in between Shiro's and Keith's. It's a super cool, high tech suit, the armor mainly composed of white and purple, and some black areas where there is no armor, like the hands or the stomach areas, which is probably not a place you don't want covered. Getting hit in the stomach hurts a lot, and I speak from a misadventure I had with a basketball in 7th grade.

"Awesome," I say, grinning widely.

"Guys," Shiro says in his best leader voice. "It's time to suit up."

I grin and shift my weight excitedly.

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