Fight Til' The Break of Dawn

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I loved making this chapter, the new character is the first Precure OC i've made! Anyways hope you like it!

It was a few days after the incident with the Destain.. Utah was wondering how I transformed since I don't have a glitter pact, which is also confusing me... heh, She also asked if I knew the name of the guy's Destain. It turned out that his name was Leo, that's what I heard since we fought him again yesterday, but I have a strange feeling we'll be seeing him again...

"So.. any sign of Leo?" I asked Utah," By the way, are we meeting up at The Pigtail again?"

"No.... and yeah meet you later! My mom will be so glad to see you again, by the way.. I have heard rumors about another glitter girl, like us! Only she's a dark purple and looks more villainy than heroine like.." Replied Utah.

"How do you know that?" I have asked her, I ask a lot of questions if you can tell, I'm a very... clueless girl... yeah... clueless... heh..

"I don't really know.l I feel like the rays of light from the sun tell me everything.." She said," Don't you feel the same around animals?'

"Yeah I do... It's kind of strange, I bet when we meet this new glitter girl she'll be connected to the shadows, doesn't seem very Glitter Force like...." I commented.

"Doesn't matter, she's just going to be nessecary for fighting, we won't bother befriending her!" Utah speaks like she doesn't care about the girl and how vital it is to have her.

"Well I guess your-" I was cut off by the sound of a Destain," Oh no! I think I hear something,....." I saw a little dog and it barked repeatedly at me," It's at Clover tower!?"

"How did you know that Amy?" Utah said doubtfully," I can't hear anything.. besides me, you, people, and that dog's barking."

"You may not hear it but it's a Destain... Cmon!" I take a hold of Utah's hand and we dash to the tower. The wind pushing behind us, and I feel the clouds roll in. When we got there I saw a girl alone and she had a glitter pact with her, magically I hear the words, 'Glitter Force makeover'

"L-O-V-E! Doki Doki! Glitter bow! Haha! Glitter pact, Glitter brooch, Glitter bands, Glitter boots! Let's roll!" She said," Misty and Mysterious, like how the stars shine! I'm Glitter Dawn!"

Me- ha! See what I did? I'm using the words shine, stars, light, and more sky and light repeated stuff, because it's GF, SHINE A LIGHT, see!? No, okay I'll stop... back to the story...

"Oh my god!" I said

"God? no. Oh My? Yeah" comments Utah.

"What do you want?" Glitter Dawn asked us," Are you Glitter Force members too?"

"In fact, we are! Ready Amy?" Says Utah.

"Ready!" I reply

This is when I skip the transformation right? I think I'm suppose to.. anyways skip!

"May the doggos bark and the kitties meow! I'm Glitter Kitty!"

"Fight fire with fire as the sun shines from within! I'm Glitter Plasma!" I looked at the three of us and then realized, we are connected. Dawn is related to the sun with is filled of Plasma and kitties are nocturnal and they also come out at day so it's connected!

 I added that just in case you were confused how these are related... back to the story!

"Hmm.. nice colors..." complimented Dawn.

"Interesting choice of color Dawn" replied Plasma.

"Uhh... Take that as a compliment!!!" I told Dawn.

"Ugh another glitter brat!" It was Leo who spoke,"Destain take them out!"

"Destain!!" It says. It's a big ice cream cone!

"Hmm.. It looks tasty," I said as I started to drool.

"How's not time for ice cream..." says Utah,"I'll let my mom make food for you at The Pigtail.."

"Okay..." I sighed as we started to fight this thing. Air flew into my lungs and back out when I started charging at the big geleto (which is ice cream in Italian, hey the more you know.) It was a tough enemy to fight, but it's time for the final blow.

"May I?" Asks Dawn.

"Sure!" I said.

"Glitter Force! Sparkle.... STARS!!!" She threw at least a dozen ninja stars at the geleto. As it dissolved into the light Leo stared at her. He stared with the mixed emotions of anger, fear, approval, and admiration.


"Wow that's impressive," I told her.

"It was only luck... I had the shadows on my side..." Dawn said as she transformed back," By the way, when I'm not glittered up, call me Maddy! Maddy Shadster!"

"Well now I get why your Glitter Dawn.." Utah sighed pointlessly. 

You know, it's pronuced SHADES- TERRD

This is what Maddy/ Glitter Dawn looks like, also wow! 824 words and counting! This took to long, this took up at least 20 percent of my battery

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This is what Maddy/ Glitter Dawn looks like, also wow! 824 words and counting! This took to long, this took up at least 20 percent of my battery... R.I.P

To be continued 

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