Snowdrop's birthday part 2

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Ira's POV, yes I'm adding the adult's POVs too..

We all went into our running stances since Snowdrop agreed she would be IT for when we play tag and I would be seeker for hide n' seek. This will be painful... luckily we will be playing tag outside and hide n' seek indoors. Something told me that this would be painful for us all, especially Amy, she was wearing heels! Wrong shoes when your messing with a 7 year old..

"Ready.... I'm coming after you all! In 3.....2...,,...............1!" Snowdrop shouted, and so the game began!

Amy's POV

I was off running or.. jogging I guess.. I wasn't going to take off my heels until hide n' seek but... my ankles are aching so badly..... But style over comfort! Though Maya says it's Comfort over style... Lucky Maddy on the other hand always wear sneakers.... it's unfair really, what in my crazy mind thought it was a good idea to wear heels! As we played, the first to be tagged was Lilly so we all started to run away from her until she got Ira. After that Ira tried to tag Snowdrop but tripped and fell, banging his arm that was injured onto the ground.

"Daddy!" Snowdrop gasped as he struggled to lift his arm up. Rachel ran over as soon as she saw that and Maya, Mackenzie, Clara, and Natalie arrived and saw what happened.

"Oh my god! Ira!!" Rachel gasped and pulled him up," I think you all had enough of tag.." She looked at us all and helped Ira to their bed.

TO BE CONTINUED! I finally figured out how to write on a phone! Victory!

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