Character cast!

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Glitter Force, Shine a Light! Heroines

Amy- Glitter Kitty

Utah- Glitter Plasma

Maddy- Glitter Dawn

Lilly- Glitter Light

Unknown- N/A

Shine a light Villans




KNOWN Shine a light parents! (Remember Some don't have parents from Doki Doki)

Maya- Utah's mom

Clara- Lilly's mom

Mackenzie- Dawn's secret mother

Rachel- okay I won't Shine any light on to this one, This one is secret!

so Rachel is either Amy's mom or The mystery character's mom

Peace out, until next time 

Feel the Doki Doki!

My old drawing style

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My old drawing style... god..

Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now