Separated In a Strange World

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(Just a question, how many chapters should this book have? And I'm going to write my first T/D book! And a Ira and Rachel lovestory! Let us begin with the story!)

Amy's POV

I woke up and looked up into the sky, or... the atmosphere since there wasn't really a sky... I coughed and looked under me just to find someone laying unconscious.

(Guess who it is!)




"Plasma!" I gasped. I can't believe she caught me... though I'm not surprised that she's asleep, err... passed out... I don't even know if she's breathing... I also caught sight of another girl, walking up to us. Her long twin ponytails were lusciously flowing in the wind... or air if you want to say it like that.

(Guess who!)




(This one is easy...)

"Snowdrop! I mean... Glitter Ice" I said,"your looking good!"

(Wow, flip-a-clip is making my heads look great! Though the dresses don't have much detail

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(Wow, flip-a-clip is making my heads look great! Though the dresses don't have much detail...)

I noticed something weird though... one of her wings on her ears was bleeding a river! Well not really. It was just really bad looking, might have been an infection...

"Your ear!!" I shouted aloud," what hap-"

"Shh!" She had cut me off,"It isn't important, besides... Mom will probably know how to fix it... she's a doctor after all..."

"True that," I replied. I also heard a moan and then I realized I was still on top of Plasma. I quickly leaped off of her and she began to rise.

"Where am I..?" Plasma groaned in pain.

"I don't know... Ice?" I said.

"I don't know either..." she muttered.

"Is it just me or did you get taller Snowdrop!?" Plasma shrieked.

"It's the heals that did it. Right now we need to focus on getting back with the others. Glitter Dawn and Glitter Light... right?" She asked.

"Yeah that's them all right.." I said giggling," Get used to calling me Kitty by the way!"

"Sure..." she said as she walked up. Me and Plasma both followed and tried to regroup with the others.

Sorry that this was short! Hope you like it anyways!

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