Light's Bright Life! (Lilly and Clara side chapter)

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Guess the word! ✍🏽 ◼️ 

To the chapter!

💡 Lilly's POV 💡 

I was walking home since I was signed up for adoption and apparently I was adopted by someone named Clara.... I don't know who this is.... but I heard she's looking for a child like me! I  knocked on the door of her mansion and sighed until a old man had opened up the door. 

"Hello, I was told to go to Miss Yobuska (I forgot her last name so I'm just guessing....) since she had signed the child adoption contract..." I muttered quietly. The man bowed in a proper manner.

"Hello Miss, I am Sebastian." He said properly. I'm impressed... he seems to take his work seriously... though got to admit... that is pretty impressive for a butler... they usually hate working....,"Right this way Mam'"

I followed him through the long hallways that were full of twist and turns... and I thought the front yard was already huge! I turned my back to find Sebastian opening a door to Cla- err... mom's room. I was shocked to find that she looked very... furmillar.... like I met her before.

"Hello Lilly, welcome to your new home," She smiles while sipping some of her tea,"Sebastian, May you please prepare some tea for Lilly?" Sebastian immediately nodded and rushed out of the door. A few mintues later and he had brought the tea nice and warm. I took a sip and immediately fell in love with it.

"So good..." I chirped cheerfully,"My life has just became complete.... thank you so much for making me feel at home...."

 "I'm glad you like my tea," Sebastian bowed gracefully and exited the room.

"So...." Clara sipped her tea,"Your part of your own Glitter Force right? Glitter Force Shine a Light was it....?" I spit the tea I was sipping back into the cup in a surprised matter.


"I was there during Snowdrop's birthday party 🎊" She explained. No wonder she looked so furmillar! She was there.

"Well.... it is true but it isn't that important..." suddenly a little boy came walking over.

"Hello?" He said, he turned and locked his eyes with mines, I felt my heart burst open like a pinyata,"Oh, Clara who is this?"

"This is Lilly, Lilly meet Lance," Clara explained once again. I felt my cheeks burn up when I saw Lance and I knew his cheeks burned up too since I can see it.

"He-Hello Lance.... nice to meet you...." I trailed off emotionless. Suddenly a gust of gray wind appeared out of nowhere. It was clearly Qadim if you couldn't guess...

"Message to Lilly from Utah,"He said,"She's having a slumber party tomorrow," he turned to Clara," May she attended?"

"Of course, there's nothing like a sleepover that brings girls together," Clara had agreed. And with that the wind gushed around him and Qadim has disappeared.

To be continued...

Okay this is the end of the individual short stories for what happened when they got back. Now next chapter will be you know, a sleepover....... Hope your actually reading this junk and feel Ze Dokidoki! 

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