Catching Up with The Edgelords

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^Leo's POV^

I grumbled angrily as Fusha beats me at jousting and then she smirks

"So Leo..." She said while holding the "O" in Leo," You were watching her, weren't you?"

"I have no idea who your talking about..." I mumbled. I knew she would find out eventually... You see I have a.... 'thing' for one of the glitter girls...," Why were you stating that anyways...?"

"You know who I was speaking of, you have a gleam or... Dawn.. in your gaze" She coughed. She's an old grump nowadays...

"She's the enemy, I suppose to follow her.." I looked away embarrassed, my lion tail and ears told a different story though... curse my genetics!

"What made you entranced in her... swaying hips when she was dancing in her room then" she smirked and stuck her tongue out at me.

"............. I  need to go...." I got up and walked into my room. Being a servant to Master Kink~Kink is harder than you think. He's really scary and he yells a lot too. Honestly I don't want him to rule Earth. At the moment he's locked up with magical chains. Once he gains enough power, he'll break free!.

I'm a little worried about Dawn and the other girls. Dawn is so adorable.... her purple eyes when she transforms are deep and beautiful an- wait what am I thinking... This positive feeling is enflicting my brain badly enough...The feeling of effection is starting to spread! I must go to the dark room to regain my dark energy. Enough of this 'lovey doves stuff,' It's time to take over.

To be continued! This may be short but it took me a while though.. no pictures today sorry!

Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now