New Power Awakened & Freedom!

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Dis is Qadim

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Dis is Qadim. To Ze story.

(Time skip to the exit portal so they can leave Dinstania)

❄️ Ice's POV ❄️ 

We ran with the mysterious man, or... Qadim... even though we don't even know him... we must be vigilant though... Mom and Dad must be worried as heck... I saw a gleam of light from a hallway.

"That must be it!" Dawn had gasped. She began to walk toward the light. I saw it dazzled her eyes.

"Wait," Spoke Qadim sternly," I must give you all something. A treasure if you will." He took out 5 glitter charms with the same spinner-print on every single one. I looked at it in awe.

"What the..." Kitty started to speak," A new glitter charm...." I heard something move behind us. It stomped the ground as I turned around. I saw a huge Destain that looked like a flip flop.

".....I'm guessing whoever this was is mad that they were being threatened by the chacala.." Plasma said slowly. 

"Hey I have a idea! Let's try out the new glitter charm!" Light said cheerfully. 

"YEAH!!!!!" We all said in union," Insert spinner charm!" A little spinner popped up in front of us," Glitter Spin!"

"Seems like we got the spin for the win!" Kitty said. We all spun the spinner and it began to let out a bursting rainbow.

"Glitter force! Shining Bright Rainbow!" We all said as it blasted the Destain with a colorful beam. It dissolved from the exposer with the light and disappeared.

"That was fun..." Kitty panted," and we barely did anything..."

"The portal!" Dawn gasped. It was starting to disappear. We all quickly ran to the portal and jumped in. The world became all bright and well... normal!

"I think we are out... where were we anyways?!" I asked. Everyone looked at Dawn.

"We were at Distania... it's where the enemies live..." she said quietly as soon as she mentioned the word enemy," it's hard to believe also tricked me..."

"Well the only thing that matters is that we are home..." Kitty said.

"Yeah!!" We all shouted.


Thank you for reading! Next chapter coming tomorrow! Feel Ze Doki Doki...

Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now