I'm Sorry My Daughter... (Cringe Warning!)

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Okay I'll be honest... I CANT WRITE BATTLE SCENES! So if it is really bad... you can criticize me all you want.... this is a 'Shadow Ice vs Glitter Diamond & Ira!' Chapter! Let the chapter begin! 

♦️ Rachel's POV ♦️ 

I woke up after experiencing a long drop only to find Ira underneath me... I imediately jumped off of him.

"Ira! Are you okay!?!" I began to panic as he got up. I hugged him, scared but also glad that he's alright. We were leaning for a kiss but a gust of shaded wind stopped us. Down came a icy yet dark aura, a frosty one... a Shadow Ice aura... She stood there, posing like a model. I tried to run over but Ira pulled me back.

"Are you crazy!? You'll hurt yourself even more than a Destain's attack  would....." Ira blinked emotionless,"Of course any idea that you have is crazy... like us getting together... that was a crazy idea towards your friends..."

"I don't care! That's our daughter! She's been tainted with destain!" I cried while she walked forward, My gaze turned to her demonic eyes,"Oh uh... SnoSno..."

"What do you mean?" She giggled sweetly, her giggle began a demonic laugh real quickly,"This isn't your precious little Snowdrop your talking to... this is the girl who she FAILED to be! Daddy hasn't really have a change of heart... deep down Snow was always tainted, but now that I'm out, I'll show you what I learned. But what's the fun of you two fighting me... let's make it even.. teehee," She held a dark heart in her hand,"Go crazy! Release the darkness in your heart! Let's teach them Destain!"


"Hey that's not fair!" I yelled.

"Oh? Thank you! I love a little praise now and then! Hehe.." Ice Giggled once again. 

"I'll take on the Destain..... you can fight Shadow Ice," Ira told me, He looked ready to fight dirty if he must. I nodded and leapt up to tackle Ice. She dodged, gracefully landing. I starting to punch her at the shoulders and arms but yet again, she dodged. When I stopped she somehow teleported behind me and kicked me by the back, knocking me over.

"She's strong..." I panted. I noticed Ira had already defeated the Destain, he flew over and grabbed me by the arms, bringing me up and off of the ground,"Thanks...."

"No problem..." He sighed as he looked at Shadow Ice.

"You don't know when to quit, do you?" She asked while smirking. That's when he got angry..

"HEY THATS MY LINE!" He shouted at her, swinging me by the arms.

"Woah! Ira be careful please!" I spoke spooked. He recognized my words but he kept on swinging, I think I know why.... he kept on swinging me and when he let go, I practically flew to Ice, tackling her and knocking her to the ground. She got back up to hover above the dark surface. I summoned my Crystal Mirror Pad.

"Glitter Force! Diamond Whirlpool!" I shouted as a Diamond whirlpool started to appear. I noticed Ice's passive mood became very aggressive, very quickly. She held her palm above the whirlpool and shouted.

"....NO!" She blasted out a dark ice beam which froze the whirlpool. She landed and stomped on it, making it shatter. Both me and Ira stared in shock.

"Sh-She... she broke it!" I watched in disbelief,"That never happened before!!!"

"Her aura is the equivalent of King Mercanare's dark energy...." Ira muttered,"What have they done to you Snowdrop...."

"What have THEY done? More like what have YOU done?!" Ice cackled evilly. Ira stared at her, he was worried... that's what I saw in his eyes.

🦇 Ira's POV 🦇 

"Ira..... what have you been teaching our daughter....?"Diamond asked, suspicion in her eyes. I sighed and looked at her.

"Oh I don't know.... she's just learned about stalking, killing, harming, fighting... all sorts of important stuff to learn...." shadows covered my eyes,"Just giving her a little bit of family history..." she stared at me, shocked. Then she just shook her head.

"We'll talk about this at a later date.... right now we have to defeat Shadow Ice.... but how is the question...." she trailed off, suddenly, her face lit up,"I have a idea!" She grabbed my hand and told me to fly up. She looked at me, and I imediately knew what she wanted to do... I spun her round, like a carousel.

"Glitterforce! Diamond Duo Fling!" She shouted as I let go, flinging her so she would knock Ice over, making her weak, she summoned her Glitter Crystal Pad,"Glitter Force, Diamond Whirlpool!" It was 5x as big as the one before, it blasted Ice while she was down and started to melt her away.

"No.... NOO!!" She screeched as she faded away, leaving nothing left. Diamond was panted hard as she collapsed to the ground. Shadow Ice had disappeared but Snowdrop remained, she floated down, unconscious.

"Is it over...." Diamond panted as she leaned her head onto my chest. Snowdrop layed in front of her.

"Yes... I think it's over Diamond..."


To be continued! Thanks for reading this trash! It turned out to be shorter than the last chapter.... it took forever too.... I can't write fighting scenes so... meh it's okay I guess... thank you and ciao... T/D has been updated too!

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