Getting to know the Precure

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Okay I found this picture when I was looking for Snowdrop pictures and I was watching the animation so here it is xd. I obviously don't own it! To the story!

Utah's POV

"Well girls," Clara had said before sipping some tea," I am going to adopt a child, I never found true love so might as well pour all my love into a child."

"That's good news Clara," commented Mackenzie," But are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"Well I already got all the adoption paper stuff done so I have no choice," Clara had answer calmly. We all collapsed.

"I mean children are a huge responsibility, especially with this one," Maya said as she messed up my hair by rubbing it.

"Rude!" I muttered coldly. I didn't bother saying it aloud since me and my mom already have issues with agreements and opinions. I'm just a high schooler!

"Well that's true, kids are hard to deal with," Rachel agreed peacefully.

"Mostly because Snowdrop is a hyper one... she's the reason Rachel is stressing about my arm.." Ira spoke like a star had crashed onto his head. Rachel was hugging Ira affectionately during his speech.

"By the way has anyone seen Natalie anywhere?" Maya commented. Everyone shook their heads as soon as Maya mentioned it," She was here earlier.."

"Well anyways, placing that aside.., Pudding anyone!?" I asked. I heard chatters of agreement from everyone. Great to know I made 20 batches of pudding that didn't go to waste!

To be continued! I only wrote this because I am bored of drawing for no actual reason..

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