Spade's Death!?

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I felt really bad writing this chapter.... but someone had to do it....

♠️ Mackenzie's POV ♠️ 

I came crashing onto the ground, light-headed. I slowly stood up, trying to hold a good posture. And like any good shadow demon, Shadow Dawn came crawling up, misty shadows covered her face and hands. I watched, horrified, she looked like a zombie, crawling out of a grave of shadowed toxic gas.

"Why hello, Glitter Spade...." She said, standing up and walking slowly,"Not that surprised that your stuck with me.... the weakest Glitter Warrior vs the strongest Glitter Warrior...." she smirked and teleported infront of me, punching my face, making me crash into a wall.

"You don't have to do this Dawn! There's light in your eclipsed heart...." I spoke, trailing off since she teleported behind me, kicking me at the most sensitive part of your head. I felt the world glitch in a way, blacking out and going back to normal. I got back up and sliced Shadow Dawn with my hand, though she dodged, elegantly landing.

"Wow they were right... you are easier to fight without your friends around!" She giggled and smirked,"the blade of courage hmm? Let's see if 'courage' is stronger than poison!" She held a green ball, swirling with gas and toxic fumes. She threw it at me, Luckily I dodged it. But something else was bothering me,"Well this isn't going to be fun.... let's make it interesting...." she starting to multiply, each Shadow Dawn had only one slight difference, they shade of their purple outfit or hair...

"Oh no.... this is going to be bad...." I muttered. They all shot a ball of toxic and with a flash of a eye, I was knocked unconscious.

"Everything you worked for will be pointless in the end! Don't you see it!?! You are just as hopeless as Splendorius once was!" She hissed,"YOU'VE DONE YOUR TIME AS GLITTER SPADE! TIME TO MAKE WAY FOR THE NEW GENERATIONS!" She equipped a sword with a steaming, shadow aura,"Any last words? 'Glitter Spade'"

"I wish.... I wish..." I stuttered, crying a little,"I wish I raised you like a mother should...." I felt her freeze, her sword was above my chest, it's misty sides swayed in the silence,"I shouldn't have abandoned you... I could have gave you a bright future but... your heart has been tainted, it always has been...."

"you.... YOU!" She screamed in outrage,"ALL THIS TIME... it was YOU who abandoned me and left me with my father.... it was YOU who caused me to side with this path... everything that happened wouldn't have happened if YOU HADN'T EXISTED! THIS IS GOODBYE GLITTER SPADE!"

"Wait don't!" I was cut off with the pain of surging energy, blood stained my clothing as I felt the world around me fade away, and my body laided there, limp. Never to reach the light again, I entered the deep sleep, of eternal slumber.

TO BE CONTINUED! Now this chapter was short but there's a good reason for that.... part two for this will come out tomarrow so stay tuned!

Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now