The Rise of Snowdrop! Welcome Glitter Ice!

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Find the B in the Ps! To the story!

Snowdrop's POV

"You kids need to learn to be careful around concrete! Luck for you Ira isn't badly damaged from the fall!" Rachel was scolding Me, Amy, Maddy, and Lilly,"If you were more caref-"

"I think they got your point Rachel," Clara whispered,"No need to yell at them, they made a mistake, besides doctors heal, not lecture." I looked away with tears in my eyes. I hate it when mom speaks in her angry voice... she scares me a lot... I mean I heard she saved the world but that still means she's strong enough to kill someone...

"Rachel don't be mad..." Ira groaned in pain,"It's just a arm... and my head.. at least I didn't lose a limb!"

"I forgot to add you to the lecture! You shouldn't have played when your injured, you were almost completely healed to!" Rachel snapped. She's getting really moody now. It's like a force took over her mind- wait... I feel a dark aura around the room... and it isn't from Ira... or the others... it must be from Mom!

"Mom please don't be mad-" I was saying before she slapped me.

"Be quiet!" Her eyes became dark blue before they became pitch black and then her heart was ripped out. A boy with lion ears and a lion tail stood over her with the heart.

"Rachel!!" Everyone shouted. My eyes were open so wide, I couldn't believe it.. she looked dead like she was killed, I knew that couldn't happen so I closed my eyes and looked away.

Maddy's POV

"Leo! I knew it was you I was sensing!" I scowled. Deep down he knew I was okay with him coming. It stopped Rachel from lecturing us all so hey!

"Missed me much? Now come on out Destain!" He said as the heart became bigger and bigger. Bump.. BuMp... bUmP... BUMP!! It turned into a bandage and got into a fighting stance.

"This is a problem.. we don't have the pixies with us..." Maya muttered.

"Leave this to us Mom!" Utah stated proudly. We all grabbed our glitter pacts and transformed. 

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by Maddy kissing Leo~~~~~~~~~

Snowdrop's POV

The girls turned into... super heroines? Freaks? I don't know to be honest... 

"We are ready for anything you throw at us! All together girls!" Amy said.

"Glitter Force! Shine a Light!" They shouted. So they are a force of... glitter? Or is that just a team name. Because honestly Glitter Force! Wildhearts! sounds a lot better. ( cough cough.. the next fan made series.. cough cough.. )

~~~~~~~Time skip to end of the battle brought to you by my laziness~~~~~~~~~~~~

The battle looked painful so I decided it was time, time for me to step in. No matter how many times they are pushed down they get up. I have the courage to do the same. I stepped in and transformed.

"L-O-V-E! Doki Doki! Glitter bow!" I said. Btw just a note by the author, they use lipstick to transform because reasons!"Ready for a hailstorm! I'm Glitter Ice!" I stood in front of the adults, my friends, my dad, and Mom's body," No matter how many times you knock me down, the power of my frosty powers will keep me awake!"

~~~~~~~Time skip to the very end when the destain is beaten and they untransform~~~~~~~~~~~

Amy's POV

"Well done, you may have defeated Leo but you still haven't defeated me.." a man muttered.

"Who was that!?" I said aloud. A man appeared out of the shadows.

"I am Landy, the strongest of the two excused failures," He said smirking," now it's your turn to fail along side them" he snapped his fingers and we all fell into an oblivion with the exception of the adults because reasons and it closed up so we could never be seen again.......

To be continued! This was a little long. 631 words and counting! Hope you enjoyed it! Bye.

Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now