Shocking Discovery (Utah & Amy side chapter)

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🐱Amy's POV🐱

I was walking to The Pigtail with Utah since I don't actually have a home.... We came in and were welcomed by Regina & Maya.

"Oh hey you two!" Regina said while munching on some ice cream. I started to drool when I looked at it," HMM SO YUMMY 😋"

"Hey can I have some?" I asked. I saw Regina's facial expression change very quickly.

"No way! Get your own!" She snapped angrily but then she turned to Maya," Can you spoon feed me?"

"Of course Regina!" Maya smiled brightly," Open wide!"

"Uh... Mom we'll be upstairs in my room...." Utah said while sweating a bit. We wandered up the stairs and once we entered the room I saw a big burst of shadows and in came Qadim... making a surprise entrance.... him and Maddy would make a great couple! (I do not support this theory that Amy has...) but I think him and I are a possibility....

"Qadim~Senpai!" I gasped but then I placed my hand over my mouth. I kind of blushed before Qadim and Utah started to blush... it was kind of awkward.... to be honest, he's a flirt... he was flirting to Utah earlier when we landed..... we all had a nice long nice until I asked Utah a question....

"Utah... one question..." I started to say," Who is your father?"

"I don't have one," She said. I felt my jaw drop at the same time as Qadim did.

"WHAT WHY AND HOW!?!??" We both asked her. She was eating some pudding while we asked.

"You see... my mom is a lesbian..." She started to reveal our most wanted desire...," She's dating Regina."

"REGINA!?" I gasped so loudly I started to gag. I was struggling to breath," Maya is dating that...that... that DEMON!"

"Your just saying that to hide a cuss..." She muttered. Although I was a little mad, I forgave her since, one argument isn't going to push me and her apart!

"Well I'm going to get more pudding..." Utah murmured," Want any?" Suddenly Qadim grabbed Utah's hand and looked at her gratefully.

"Utah, thank you for making me feel comfortable in this new world..." he kissed her hand,"By the way your pudding is amazing.."

"aww stop it Qadim! Your making me blush!" She squealed a little. It's true... She makes everyone comfortable AND her pudding IS AMAZING! But I think the kiss was a little un-nessecary....

"I have an awesome idea Utah! Let's gather the girls for a slumber party tomorrow!" I squealed cheerfully. Utah's smile became a confused look," Wha? What's wrong?"

"Haven't you realized...? We won't be able to get Snowdrop over...." she sighed. I looked a little confused and questioning until she explained," She's only 7 years old... we're like 15! Can't you see the difference!"

"And I'll come over too... and I'm much older than the 5 of you combined!" Qadim commented. Me and Utah's gaze had hit Qadim's face.

"How old ARE you anyways?" I asked. I saw his gaze became blank for a few seconds and then his eyes became dark blue," WOAH HOW'D YOU DO THAT!?"

"One- I can't remeber and Two- I don't know..."  He muttered," Anyways you can always contact Snow's parents can't you?"

"Then it's settle! Tomorrow is a slumber party!" Utah shouted.


(Thank you for reading! Sorry that that took forever 😐 I'm kind of busy... plus my ankle is scratched badly... two scratches one bruise and I feel like it's out of place somehow... don't question... anyways next chapter is coming on Sunday! Other stories have different dates of chapters!)

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