Welcome My Little Shadow Angels

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Hello and I shall Time skip to a few days! If your willing to know what Dawn did when she snuck out, It will be explained in a future chapter! Thank you and to the story! WARNING! it's short but the next 5 chapters will be longer! Trust me on this one!

♥️ Maya's POV ♥️ 

I was cooking dinner for the gang and the kids since we had a meet up, sadly Clara couldn't make it because of business... as I was taking the chicken out of the oven, I felt something dark surround the room.

"What is that!?!" Natalie screamed as a black figure began to shape itself into a man.

"Surprise? Miss me much Glitter Force?" A man appeared in the figure as it took shape.

"You again!" Lance Growled, trying to intimidate the man.

"Landy!" Maddy yelled, pissed off. He smirked as we all began to transform.

(Skip transformations! To the lines!)

"The Power Of Love! I'm Glitter Heart!"

"The Light Of Wisdom! Glitter Diamond!"

"The Blade Of Courage! Glitter Spade!"

"A for Absolutely Fabulous! I'm Glitter Ace!"

"Fight Fire with Fire as the sun shines from within! I'm Glitter Plasma!"

"May the doggos bark and the kitties meow! I'm Glitter Kitty!"

"Misty and Mysterious, like how the star shine! I'm Glitter Dawn!"

"Ready for a Hailstorm! I'm Glitter Ice!"

"Reformed And Back to Bold! I'm Glitter Throb!"

 (That's Regina btw! I'll draw fan art tomorrow... I will explain this in the future! Aka in the Rira story, a future chapter shall explain this...)

(That took too much effort to write...)

"And I'm Ira I guess..."

"We need a glitter name for you Ira..." Rachel sighed.

"I'm good!" He replied.

"No! You could be Cure Bat or something!" She said.

"Jeez enough yapping..." Landy groaned, his gaze scans the crowd,"Wow all of you together make such a good color based group, accept for Dawn of course... she could lighten up a bit..."

"HEY!" Dawn hissed annoyed.

"Looks like you'ge Lost your love Landy, well for that I'm going to give you a piece of my heart, feel the Doki Doki," I spoke proudly, I love reciting my phrase!

"Right... how about no.." Landy snapped his fingers and suddenly, we all were sucked into a portal!

♠️ Mackenzie's POV ♠️ 

We all fell down onto a hard surface, we were in some kind of white universe! I looked around and I noticed that the other Glitterforce was on the opposite side of us!We all stood up and As we looked around, the place began a dark color!

"What the- why are we here!?! Ice cried. She was being comforted by Kitty while Plasma and Dawn were arguing.

"You knew about this place didn't you!?!" Plasma shouted at Dawn," Traitor!"

"Hey I have nothing to do with being here!" Dawn retorted.

"Oh yeah!?!" 

"Yeah!" The two starting yelling at each other while Kitty covered Ice's ears.

"Where are we....?" Diamond asked Ira,"You should know about this place!"

"Well sorry, I don't!" He sighed to Diamond.

"Heart? Do you know?" Throb asked her. Heart shook her head. I looked around and panicked a little in the inside.

"No matter what we do, we must remain calm," Ace spoke up with pride. 

"I agree, we must not freak out..." I spoke. What was I saying! We're doomed! We don't know anything about this place! Suddenly three people appeared. One way a boy with lion ears and a lion tail, he had fierce yellow eyes. Another one was a girl with long black hair. And finally I saw Landy...he looked a lot like Bel! I kind of miss him... but regardless... they had a smug smirk over their faces, with the exception of the boy.... he looked like he was thinking about something...

"Leo!" Dawn screeched. He looked at her with sorrow.

"I'm sorry my shadow princess..." he trailed off.

"What do you me- AHHH!!" She screamed loudly. The bo- err Leo, shot her with a beam of dark energy.

"Dawn!" Ice shrieked before the woman shot her and Kitty with dark energy,"STOP IT FUSHA- AHH!!!!" Her shriek was unbearable. It was the equivalent of a girl who was being threatened with a knife..

"Kitty! Ice! Stop it you b- ACCH!" Plasma shriek as well. We all stared in shock and disbelief as the four experience changes in looks..

"PLASMA!" Heart And Throb screamed desprately, they both ran to stop them but a barrier separated us.

"ICE!" Diamond and Ira both cried. Since Ice would naturally have a tainted heart, it wouldn't take long for her transformation to finish....

"Kitty!" Ace yelled, not as desprately but more angrily than sad.

"Good luck Dawn... try to survive that..." I murmured while looking away. When they were done they looked completely different, their hair was darker and their outfits changed color...

"Welcome to the world... Shadow Force, Shade a Shadow!" Landy laughed. Fusha played along while Leo looked away, shade covered his face. The girls walked over smexy like, yet they had a very dark aura around them. When the stopped, they looked at us, with angry or evil esspressions. (Like the top photo!)

"Don't worry Mama Heart, Mama Throb, I don't bite..." Plasma sneared.

"I don't why you try, when you know that your all hopeless... you may have stopped King Mercenere but you will never defeat Master Kink-Kink!" Kitty yowled.

"You feel like your high in life, when someone upsets you, you don't feel so mighty, like losing your home to the darkness..." Dawn whipped her hair so it only revealed one eye.

"Sorry Mommy, but Daddy has been teaching me the right way to live... with the darkness on my side I finally get to show you all I learned... teehee" Ice giggled.

"Can't you see that we're fine.... you don't need to worry about us anymore, we can be like you...  you are the all mighty Glitter Force, Dokidoki! Right...?" Plasma chuckled while smirking,"Well watch out, all together....."

"Shadow Force! Shade a Shadow!" They all chanted once as they shot beams of dark energy at us. We all screamed as it blasted us which made us land hard. Landy snapped his fingers which made us all fall into separate holes, each girl fell into a hole, now a real battle was going to take place here...

(Thank you for reading this! I said this was going to be short but it turned out to be longer! Thank you for reading this trash once again, feel the Doki Doki!)

(Thank you for reading this! I said this was going to be short but it turned out to be longer! Thank you for reading this trash once again, feel the Doki Doki!)

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Glitter Force! Shine A Light! (FANMADE!) The First Awakening (Revising)Where stories live. Discover now