Chapter 1: Bride

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The melody played smoothly into my ears, however the best part was ruined by a certain someone who just couldn't leave me alone.

"Son, stop pretending to ignore me.." a stern voice said, the voice belonged to my father also known as the one and only vampire king.

"I'm not pretending to ignore you, I am ignoring you." I replied then rolled to the other side of the couch.

Karlheinz sighed
"Reji was right, you have become more difficult...."

"This is coming from the guy who killed his own mother." I yawned, not feeling anything for my mother's death.

"Please be serious, Shu." The king of vampires responds, clearly trying to avoid the topic. I sigh, sitting up from the couch.

"In a matter of time, you will rule as king over the species of vampires." My father says.

I rolled my eyes and laid on the couch. "You've given me this talk already. I don't need to hear it again."

"Shu, just listen..." He says, I open one of my eyes, making it seem like I'm paying attention.

"A king needs something to complete his rule, can you guess what that is?" He says.

"A couch he can sleep on, with no one to annoy him." I mumbled, but not quiet enough for him to hear it.

"A bride!! A beautiful bride to rule by your side..." the king says. "Preferably a human, I would like an interesting grandchild."

I sat up and removed one of of my earbuds. "I don't need some whore to be a king." Adding a little sass in my tone.

"Ah ah ah, don't you know how I've become so powerful!" My father says waving his arm, indicating has wealth and clothing.

"You married three fucked up women." I scolded at him. I've never liked the man, or his other wives in fact. Everytime he would turn away there would be a fight going on behind his back between the three wives. Including my own mother.

"Exactly," Karlheinz says in sly tone, he puts a hand on my shoulder but I withdraw from his touch. "I'm going to be nice, I will give you a couple of months to find a girl who will be your bride,"

I stare into his eyes, not breaking our connection as his eyes turned blood red. "However, if you can't find one. I will have no choice but to find one for you."

I broke the gaze, haunting really. But I didn't at afraid, what kind of king would I be.

My father smiles, "I will see you then, I better find a beautiful bride in your arms when I come back." The click of his heels stop and he turns around with a smile on his face. "Don't disappoint me son." Then walked away.

I clenched my face, ready to unleash my anger in the room around me. But the music plays, soothing my thoughts and I sighed, then the anger is no more.

I lean back on the couch in frustration, why do I need some stupid queen to rule with me. I close my eyes, oh but why does it have to be a girl.

I sighed, I'm not even interested in women.

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now