Chapter 12: Back

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I lick the blood on the edge off my lip, the bruise that kissed the surface of it. "Well, I didn't see that coming..." I groaned, touching the soft bruise on the corner of my lip. I laugh, remembering the pale knuckles punching me on the lips. "Who am I kidding, of course someone like him would do something like that."

Flashback to 5 minutes earlier

"Was my blood really that sweet?"

At that point, I was breathing against his neck and my lips were so close to his. I must've step too far into his boundaries, because he got surprised and shoved me back.

I smiled from his surprised face, and threw the silly bandage onto the floor. "Don't you think you should be taking responsibility for this," I say pointing to my wound, my sharp blue eyes glinting from the horror on his face.

"Shut up..."

"Why so shy now? You didn't seem like that last night." I say with a sly tone in my voice. Watching his fist tremble from my words.

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" He yells at me, throwing his fist into my face. His pale knuckles hitting me by my lip, his strength sends me to the floor.

I look up to see his shaken stance, his shocked expression. As if not knowing what to do, however the only thing Subaru could do was head for the door.

After that, all I could do was stay on the floor, replaying the actions in my head like a song on repeat.

I sighed, knowing full well that I couldn't just stay there the whole time. "Reji's going to be all up in my ass, if I don't wake up." I slide myself up from the floor and slap on a new bandage on my lip and my neck.

I walked out of my room and down the stairs to see the living room a mess. I scratched my neck, "I guess we partied a bit too hard." I almost stifled a laugh from the mess, imagining Reji's reaction to this.

Right at that moment I could hear the person I was thinking about. I looked up to see Reji storming through the halls, looking down to see the living room a mess. "Shu.. please tell me this wasn't your doing."

"I wished, but I would be too lazy to do that." I said.

Reji sighs, "Whatever," he snaps his fingers and the mess is gone. "Father needs to speak to you.."

My expression darkens, "Why.."

My younger brother smiles mischievously, "For your bride of course, it seems that father is getting a bit impatient and decided to find a girl for you instead."

I looked at him my blue eyes sharpened almost stabbing his violet eyes, "Give me the phone.." I growled under my breath.

"No need, I said that you graciously accepted." Reji smiles turning around ready to walk away from me with his back facing me. "You would be happy to meet with this.. girl~"

In less than a second my hand is on his neck and his body is pushed against the wall, his glasses fallen onto the ground.

His breath quivers as my brother grows tighter around his neck. "Don't act so high and mighty Reji.." making the last part of his name sound more better than the first. "Don't think you can order me around just because you act like you're superior. And guess what..." my grip tightens even more, making him yell out. "You're not.."

Releasing my hand from his skinny neck. His body drops to the floor his hands clawing his neck. "I'm not going.. just tell him I thought she was ugly or something..." I say walking away....

My back turned against him.

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now