Chapter 8: Girls

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Why did it have to be so sunny, ugh more like why did I even agree to follow this girl outside the school?

The girl's fingers curl onto her sleeves, face red, her blush spreading far from just her cheek. She wasn't speaking, probably because her words were caught in her throat.

I sighed, brushing a hand through my hair. "Look, if you're just going to stand there like that. Then we have nothing to talk about."

The girl panicks putting hugging my arm her breasts touching my elbow. I jerk it away, her hand hanging loosely.

"Ever since I met you," her blush deepens. "My mind has just been thinking about you. You're so handsome and cool! I-I like you!! Please be my boyfriend!!"

Another confession... I should've noticed, from the girl's blush to her trying to hang on me.

"No.." I said, not messing a beat after her confession. And I start to see her beaming eyes die down, to form tears instead.

"But why?! I thought we had something special... I thought you were going to be the one!" Her hands clawing her heart as if it ached some how.

I sighed, great now I need to deal with this. "Listen, I just met you." My sharp blue eyes piercing through her heart. "You fell for me because of my looks, that's just being dense. Are you seriously going to fall for any hot guy you see?"

She shakes her head, "I know we had something special even if we've never talked! Please this can work!" The girl takes my hand.

I scold at her, in disgust I push her away. "Listen, I don't like girl's! I'm gay!"

The girl cries, "Now you're just going to make up lies!!" She sobs into her hands and I'm kind of dumb founded on she didn't believe me. "I'm not going to give up!!"

The girl runs up, "I'm not going to-" but before she could finish she bumps into a man. My brother to be exact who was holding a box filled with posters.

The girl looks up at him, her eyes widened in fear. I can see her lips quivering. "Move." Subaru says and without second she jumps and cries "I'm sorry, don't hurt me!!" Then runs away.

I chuckled leaning against the cemented wall. As the girl runs away, Subaru's eyes met mine. I curled my lip into a smile.

"Why are you laughing?" He says shifting the weight of the box to his left hand.

"That girl finally ran away because of your ruthlessness!" I laughed,

Subaru frowns, "I'm not ruthless!" He says curling his fingers into a fist.

I raised my eyebrow, looking at his curled fists. Then see his face start unravel when he see's it as well. "Only a little bit.. I guess.." He replies making me laugh again.

"Bastard! You're one to talk! You told the girl off and lied about being gay!" Subaru yells, pointing a finger at me.

I snort, "I wasn't joking.."

Subaru's whole body stood still for a second, I was afraid he was going to drop the box. "What?"

"Yeah, I don't like girls.."

Subaru stutters over his words his face turning red "W-W-What!!? Wait y-you like-"

"The d, yup." I said casually with no feeling.

Subaru's face flushes, "I was going to say guys.. but I guess that answers my question." He scratches his white hair, "Does anyone else know..?"

I think for a second, the only one that actually knows would be Subaru and Reji. I scold at the thought of him finding about me and Edgar. But I put it behind me nonetheless. Never forgiving him.

"Reji, that's about it.." I shrugged,

He stares at me for a second, "How.." I look at him, "How can you seem so confident and laid back. Like you don't even care what people think about you."

I chuckled, "I don't," I scratch the bandage on my shoulder pushing myself off the wall "Who cares what other people think. They aren't you so they can't change that part of you."

I walked towards him, he's a couple of inches shorter than me. I smiled down the cute face while I tower over him. "You're too self conscious to care what people think." I pat him on the shoulders. "But that's your choice."

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now