Chapter 6: Die like a man

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"Subaru!!" Yui yells as she runs to his unconscious body. "What happened to you!!" Taking his hand in her's.

I walk towards her, crouching near his body. I touch his skin, it felt cold as ice and his pulse is low. "Subaru immortal he can't die. Relax he only fainted,"

"We have to take him to the infirmary!" Yui taking his hand in her's.

I rolled my eyes at her, when was the last time a human cared about a monster. I sighed, "I guess, don't want Reji on my ass."

I pick up Subaru over my back, then me and blood bag walked to the infirmary. The school nurse told us to put him on the bed and wait outside while he did some examinations.

Finally, I can get some rest. Why am I acting up all of a sudden is it really cause I didn't get any rest?

Yui sits down next to me, "I really Subaru is okay... I wonder what happened?"

I rolled my eyes, "You really are a stupid women..."

She looks at me, "What?!"

I sighed leaning back on my chair, "As much as vampires are different from humans, they still have some human counterparts." I stare into Yui's confused look. "Like humans, we need to feed to survive. If we don't," I tilt my head towards Subaru.

Yui gasps, "B-But he drank milk in the morning! And some bread at dinner last night!"

How idiotic is this women? "Food is kind of like sex to vampires, we don't need it but we find it pleasurable to consume."

Yui's face flushes, "How can you say it with such a straight face?" She shakes her head, looking down on the floor. "I feel so bad.... Subaru has been suffering so much because I didn't give him my blood. Everything would've been fine then.."

My eyebrows knit together, "He refused your blood?" I say with astonishment.

Yui nods, "Subaru alway tells me he doesn't need it and he'll be fine.." tears start to well up in her eyes. "Has he been lying this whole time.."

I look at her sad expression, feeling little to nothing from it. What was this guilt? I almost laugh from such an emotion. "Stop crying, Subaru's probably gonna be thristy when he wakes up so go fetch him a drink, it's the least you can do.."

She wipes her tears then nods, "Your right, I'll go now.." then exits the nurse's office.

Humans are so peculiar. The door opens to reveal the nurse, "Mr. Sakamaki, your brother seems to have just fainted he will be alright with a little food and rest." 

I stand up from my chair, "Thanks doc, I'll go check up on him." The nurse nods and exits the room.

I went into the room revealing my brother awake looking tired, I could see the gray eyebags near his eyes.

"Good, you're awake." I say, pulling up a chair and sitting on it. "Reji won't yell at me now.."

Subaru rubs his eyes and answers groogily. "What? Shu?" He clutches his head. "I feel like shit, jeez how did I get here?" Subaru scolds at me. "Did you carry me here?"

I rolled my eyes leaning forward, "In all fairness, Yui forced you onto my back."

"Yui?" His eyes widened from his tired state, if he was a puppy his ears would probably spark up and his tail wagging. "Is she here?"

"A thank you would've been nic-"
"Shut up, Where is she?"

I tilt my head and I could feel myself smirking, from what I've finally realized. "Oh yes, the little blood bag?" I say, I can hear Subaru growling as I speak. "I just gave her a little punishment of what she did, my, her blood was quite nice to drink as well..." my smirk widens into a mischievous smile, daring to meet his murderous stare "I think I've taking quite the liking for this human~"

"Tch, ASSHOLE!" Subaru yells lifting his arm up for a punch then winces from the lack of energy he has.

I chuckled under my breath, "So I'm correct," I turn to look at my brother. "You like Yui,"

The moment I said those three words his cheeks were redder than his eyes. "I- I have no idea what you're talking about..." he managed to stammer out avoiding my stare.

"Thats cute," I walk out of my seat and towards him, lifting his chin so he could face me. "But also dangerous, the fact that you love your food too much that you aren't willing to eat it.."

My dead eyes stare into his scarlet eyes. "Its pathetic.."

Subaru brushes my hand off, "Y-You know nothing.." he says facing the window.

I sighed, "You're right, but what I do know is if this continues. You'll die," he flinches from the last word and finally looks at me. "You'll die if you refuse to drink blood, your body will shrivel up and die. You will die like a weak human.."

Subaru laughs, hiding his fear. "And since when did you care about your brothers? That doesn't sound like you at all Shu~" he says, reciting the same words I told him.

I chuckle under my breath, "You're right! Why do I care~?" I lean towards him so close that his hair touches mine. "Because I'm curious, I'm curious of how it'll play out next." I pull my sleeve up, revealing my pale skin.

Subaru looks at me with a confused look on his face. "So tell me Subaru," I say putting my arm out towards him. 

"Will you die like a man or live like a vampire?"

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now