Chapter 2: Lost love

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When I was young there were little hints that drove me to certainty about my sexuality.

Everytime my mother would try to court me with other girls I never felt any affection towards them. Their flirtatious personality and feminine traits didn't strike my heart.


My mother got mad at me, saying that they were the most high class girls and such. But my father only smiled saying that a king is very picky.

Of course, I cared very little of what they had to say. At the end of the day, when I was done with studying and the many classes I had to take. I would rush to the woods to find my friend, holding my violin case.

"Edgar?!" I yelled out.

Suddenly arms grab behind my shoulders. And the boy on me smiles, also known as Edgar.

"Hey Shu!" He says removing his grip on me. His orange hair falling over his right eye.

I sighed, relieved to see my friend and finally away from my studies. "Were you waiting for me?"

Edgar nods "Yeah, I was picking some apples from a tree before. I wanted to get some for you, but then I ate it all..." he pouted.

I laughed, "Just show me where it is and we'll pick it together." I nudged him with my arm, making his eyes shine up.

"Alright follow me!!" Edgar yelled out like a captain. After a few minutes of walking there was a huge tree with hundreds of beautiful apples hanging from them.

"TA-DA!! Don't they look delcious!!" Edgar waved his hand to the tree. I smiled in amazement, there were no apple trees like these back at the mansion. Just plain roses.

"It's amazing, but how do we get the apples down." I ask Edgar.

The boy smiled, "Just watch." Edgar climbed up the trunk and onto the branches shaking it, making the apples come down. "Heads up!!"

I laughed catching them all, Edgar came down to join me then we sat down and talked about our day as we snacked on the red fruit.

"Oh yeah, I've been meaning to ask you. What's that?" Edgar pointed to my black case.

"Oh! It's a violin!" I said opening the case revealing the instrument. "My father gave it to me for my birthday!"

"Cool!! Play a song!!" Edgar yelled, still having his mouth filled by the apples.

"Okay." I took my bow and my violin tuning it. "So this is one of my favorite songs, It's called River flows in you."

Edgar's eyes stare at me, urging me to play. His eyes give me a boost of confidence. I put the bow on the string and pulled it down. Making a note, then another and another. The notes formed a melody and the melody formed a tone. A tone that described a story, a sad story. A tragedy going on and the heart being tworn through their own madness. And in the end, is the best the final strung leaving it's mark.

I open my eyes and see Edgar still staring at me. Was that a good sign or not? "Wow, that was a sad song. I ALMOST CRIED!!"

I flinched "I didn't mean to make you feel sad!! I'm sorry!!"

Edgar laughs "Its okay, even though I didn't like your song. I did like the way you played it."

I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"The way you played was so peaceful. You were playing with your whole heart. You looked beautiful." Edgar says.

A blush spread to my cheeks, "I... thank you.."

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now