Chapter 17: She and he

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It happened. 

The man I loved was finally mine. 

Despite the good news that any person would only wish to have, I was faced with another set of problems. 

What the fuck do I do? 

I was thinking about this while I laid down on the carpet ground, wasn't sure how I ended up there. I wasn't paying attention. 

But the problem bothered me, nagged my brain with humorous possibilities. 

I never had encountered such a problem before. I never had a lover before. 

Well.... if you count-

The flings I had with the human girls were simply out for blood, my caress actions meant nothing to me. It was so easy, you didn't even have to touch of them for them to fall so easily. My sapphire eyes were enough for women to lust over those rich pupils. 

But it was different now. 

Subaru didn't fall for me so quickly, he put a damn good fight against it as well. I've never been hit so much in my life during that process. 

Subaru was different, there wasn't anything I wanted from him except for his returning love.  

I finally found someone and I didn't know what the fuck to do!! 

I shut my eyes angrily, trying to drift to sleep with my face scrunched up in annoyance.

I was supposed to be the dominant one in the relationship too!! And I don't know a single god damn thing of how to treat him. This was truly frustrating. 

"Are you trying to take a shit with that face?" 

My eyes open wide enough -which wasn't wide at all- to take a peek at the annoying person in front of me. Of course it was the annoying red head with emerald eyes looking at me disgustingly. 

I would've done the same, but that would've add to his comment. 

"Please fuck off..." I say as I close my eyes again, it was starting to strain against all of the trash I had to look at. 

"OI! Don't talk to Ore-sama like that!!" 

"Everyone talks to you like that, Ayato." 

The triplet stares me down for dominance, not sure why, I had my eyes closed. "Fine then!! I'm going to find Pancake!! I'm feeling hungry."

That got my attention, I open one eye, the other sleeping. "Wait you're dating her, right?" 

Ayato's cheeks burn as red as his hair, "You already know that remember?" 

Oh yeah, nurse room incident. Still brought a chuckle remembering their shock faces when Subaru pulled back the curtain revealing the two half naked. 

"What's it like?" 

A question me and him didn't expect come out of my mouth. 

"I-It's..." Ayato smiles, "Nice..." a genuine smile. Before he can say anymore, his pride takes over. "Tch!! But why do you need to know that!!?"

"I'm dating Subaru."

"You're what!?" 

I snored back to sleep, before he kicked me in the leg for me to elaborate. "Stupid wake up!! You're joking right?" he says to me. 

I yawned, moving his leg away. "No, actually. That's I why I wanted to ask for your advice. At the mean time I don't know what to do with him." 

Ayato looks at me stunned, "And you think I know what I'm doing!!" 

I opened my eyes to look at him again and sigh as I start to get up. "You're right, I almost forgot that you're a fucking idiot." I say as I walk away. Following after was a string of curses thrown after me. 

"What is it like dating Ayato?" Yui says as she stops midway from her embroidery.  We were both in the garden tables outside the red roses blossoming to it's full bloom. She giggles from the question, "That's quite an odd question to ask. Is there a reason for it?" 

I look away from her cheerful giggle and to the red blossoms. Now that I looked at it more closely, the red bold color wasn't as beautiful as the white roses. "I suppose I'm just curious." I say as I lean back on the garden chair.  

Yui nods, then thinks back to my question. "Well... I can't say it's all happy. The relationship has it's ups and downs." She looks back to me, "Like a rose with it's thorns, however we still love each other in the end." 

After her statement she starts to thread the pad again. I sighed leaning against the table. "What did you guys do in the beginning?" 

Yui blushes, "Well... Ayato asked me out on a date..." 

My head shot up from the table. "A date? It's March 11th-"

"That's not what I meant." she sighs, "I meant going out with someone and doing something the both of you would like to do!!" 

Something for the both of us....

Yui smiles at me, "This is about Subaru isn't it?" 

I gulped turning to her, how did she know? 

"It was nice to finally see you two together." She giggles lightly, "I'll be rooting for you two!!" 

The side of my lip turns into a smirk from her words, maybe human women weren't as stupid as I thought they were. 

Author's Note:

Hey guys!! Just wanted to say I'm so sorry for the slow updates!! I've been so busy with junior year of highschool, the SATs are coming up as well as other exams that require a lot of my time. 

I'll try my best to bring you as many updates as I can, but please understand that updates will be slow. Sorry!! 


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