Chapter 13: Melodies

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I return to school, through the hallways of crowded students in their uniforms. They were probably still talking about the party from last night. I crack my neck, trying to rid it from being sore again. 

The crowds of students, talking to each other. So loud, I turn up the volume to the loudest of my music so that I could feel my earbuds burst with melodies from the sound's impact. "Still so noisy..." I growled under my breath, trying to rid their loud noises. 

But through the furious violin strings from my earbuds, and through the chatters of the students in school. A melody played, so beautifully, so quietly but could still be heard by a man's ears. 

That melody, so familiar to my ears, to my heart. 

Making a note, then another and another.

I push pass through the bustling students, 

The notes formed a melody and the melody formed a tone. 

Pulling out my bursting earbuds, letting them hang onto my shirt.

 A tone that described a story, a sad story. 

The music room, I thought. Listening to the faint piano music coming out of the room, as I ran the fastest I've ever ran to the door. 

A tragedy going on and the heart being tworn through their own madness. 

Edgar, maybe it was him. Playing the same piece, I played for him on my violin. On the same day he died. 

I reach for the knob of the door, it can't be him. He died,  so many years ago. No human could survive such a fire. 

But I turn the knob anyways 

And in the end, is the best the final strung leaving it's mark. 

My breath is unsteady, facing a man's back who finished playing the piece, leaving a linger of the final note, ringing through the room. 

"W-Who... are you?" My words flowing out in a stuttered mess. 

The man turns around, finally noticing that he was being watched. 

And it was other then my younger brother. 


I blinked at the man I loved, "Subaru? Y-You know how to play?" I asked, a bit surprise the only thing that I knew he could do with those pale hands was throw a good punch. 

"T-Tch!!" Subaru gets up, slamming the cover back onto the black and white keys. "SO WHAT?!" he yells. "Just mind your own business." he says getting up to leave. 

That song, it was so gentle. I wanted to hear more of it. 

"Subaru.." I start to say, but got interrupted by a shatter of glass. The sound ringing down the hallway. 

"What was that?" The white haired male said to me, patting me away from the doorway. 

"Don't know." I replied, looking outside the music room. The students were in their classes, who else would've been out? 

Subaru looks down the hallway curiously, "I think it came from the nurse's office." Before I could ask why he even give a shit about it? He said, "Yui's probably hurt, she was feeling faint earlier, the idiotic girl probably dropped a glass." he says before running off to the nurse's office. 

I sighed, right he has a little girl crush. 

I followed him inside, seeing him frown. I looked, right behind the slightly shorter male. "Where's the nurse?" I whispered to him. 

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" he replied. 

We both froze, when we suddenly heard a new voice. "Ah, we broke the cup." a whisper so gentle, but was loud enough to be heard by the both of us.  

Subaru and I looked at each other, panicked that we might've interrupted someone's hook up spot. "Who cares? Let's just get back to what we were doing earlier." A familiar guy's voice says muffled behind the curtain with the mysterious girl

 Subaru motioned for the both of us to get the fuck out, with a disturbed look on his face. We both quietly tipey- toed to get out of the nurse's room, until the man says. "Wouldn't you like that, Yui?"

The cup wasn't the only thing that shattered in that room. I took a quick glance at Subaru, who had a shocked look on his face, his red eyes never looked so empty. "Subaru..." I said underneath my breath, not loud enough for him to hear. 

"Ayato- ah, don't bite so hard." Yui's voice moaning through the curtains. 

But Subaru wasn't sad, no. Because if someone shattered his heart right in front of him. He would pick it back up and throw the shards back at them, and tell them to go fuck themselves. 

And in this example, it made me very shocked. 

Subaru's burning red eyes opened, walking back to the curtains hiding the two's love making. He withdrew the cheap white curtains and revealed Yui and Ayato half naked on the patient's bed. 

I stifle a laugh, while the two panicked on our discovery. 



Subaru chuckles, "Bastard? You're the ones who are bastards, fucking each other like dogs in the heat." his words cutting through Yui's soul, as she was exposed to Subaru's bad side, no longer safe. "I would tell you guys to go fuck yourselves, but it seem's you guys really outdone yourselves." He rips the curtain down, and leaves, brushing my shoulder to the door. 

I was breathless from his performance, I don't know what was better his piano piece or that amazing roast. 

Ayato looks back to see me, "YOU'RE HERE TOO?" he says covering his chest with a white blanket. 

"Please, I wasn't here for your little show." I scoffed at the two in a mess and went forward to Subaru.

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now