Chapter 9: Carving pumpkins

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The coy voice played into my ears reminded of the music from my earbuds.

I was lying down on something warm and soft. My bed? I usually slept on the couch, am I dreaming? I looked under the blanket I was covered in.

..... Why am I naked?

I do not remember undressing myself last night or getting wasted enough to not remember undressing myself.

Soft fingers run through my blond hair. It felt quite relaxing actually, until I finally realize I was naked, in bed, with someone's fingers in my hair, in my bed.

I turn to face the person next to me, only to meet a pair of luscious red eyes that stared back at me, that were covered by strands of pale white hair.


My eyes widened when I finally woke up. My heart beat pacing faster than it had ever paced before. And I could feel myself sweating, my shirt stuck to my chest from the moisture.

A ran a hand through my hair, remembering the dream of Subaru had done the same. Out of all the dirty things I had to dream about, why did it have to be something that was so messed up?

I sighed, feeling my heart beat slow down to the normal pace. This is wrong... I shouldn't be feeling this way.

But why does it feel so right?

"Oi! Move it already!!"
The voice belonged to no other then his brother, Subaru himself. Out of all the times he would come. Why now?! While I'm in the middle of a mental breakdown!

But then again he would want me to move since I'm sleeping on the floor. "Sorry.." I mumbled as I stood up, towering over his small frame.

I took a look over to Subaru who was carrying a box of knives and paint. "What's that for?" I asked.

But before Subaru could reply, Yui popped up behind him. "Its for Halloween!! Ayato said that we should decorate the place for a party!!" Who was carrying a bag of supplies as well.

Subaru looked over to her and took the bag from her. "Weakling, you shouldn't carry a heavy bag if you can't carry it."

Then I took it from him, which made both of them suprised. It even suprised myself, since when did I ever help people. "I have nothing to do, I'll help you then." Trying really hard not to look at Subaru's confused but adorable face.

Wait what...

I coughed, getting rid of all the thoughts in my head. "So does Reji cough buzzkill know you're throwing a party."

Subaru rolls his eyes as we begun walking together. "Well, he doesn't really care what we do as long as it doesn't bother him."

"So... yes!!" Yui says cheerfully.

When we get to the kitchen we set the supplies down. I took one of the items out of the bag to see a small round pumpkin. I remember humans like to carve faces on it.

Then Ayato runs into the kitchen, trying to catch his breath as he stares angrily at Subaru. "YOU ASSHOLE!!"

"Ayato?" Yui tilts her head in confusion. "What happened?"


Subaru smiles mischievously. "I must've closed the door by accident~" the same coy voice that I heard in my dream. I couldn't help but stare into his scarlet eyes that shimmered with trouble.


"Ayato!! It's alright!! You're here now!! That's all that matters now!!" She smiles trying to come down the red's fuming anger. Which slowly died down with Yui touching his arm.

I glanced over to Subaru to see a hurt expression over his face. He likes blood bag... Subaru loves Yui....

Something small teared in my heart. It wasn't a big deal, the feeling only existed for such a short time.... It doesn't matter anymore...

I sighed, trying to brush off the remnants of my broken heart. "Let's just get this over with. Then Ayato can tell me about this party that will totally not end up in a disaster." I said my tone seemed more bitter than I expected it to be.

We all sat down, Yui next to Ayato and across from them me and Subaru. I focused on the pumpkin, picking up the short knife that was the size of my finger. Carefully sliding the blade onto the skin of the pumpkin keeping it in my hand since it was so small.

Crush crush crush...

A seed of Subaru's pumpkin lands onto the area next to me. I looked over to see him angrily stabbing the poor pumpkin. Making a mess of  orange flesh and watery goo.

I looked over to see Yui laughing at one of Ayato's jokes. So that's what he's jealous about. I stared back at his pumpkin, "That's going to be a really pretty jackalantern when you're down."

Subaru looks down at the crushed mess he made and sighs as he throws his knife on the table in frustration.

I couldn't help but laugh at his defeated state. "I thought you were skilled with a knife, you like to use it stab the roses in your garden."

"Tch.." Subaru says, puffing up his cheeks. "I like to stab stuff I don't carve stupid faces on vegetables!"

I chuckled, "I could help you if you want?" I asked, expecting a insult being thrown at me instead he moves closer in his chair and stares at my handiwork in awe.

"Woowwww... you did that? I thought you couldn't do anything but sleep!" He says, I stared at him bluntly. "E-Eh!! I mean.. yeah.. please.."

I took the knife and put it in his hand. "First, don't carry it like you're going to kill someone." I placed a finger on the blunt side of my knife and place my thumb on the sliver slide. "You scrape it lightly to carve different features on it. You have to be careful because you don't want to break the shell."

Subaru furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "How did you learn all of this?"

I stopped my carving and almost let go of the knife. Edgar... he taught everything to know to survive the outside world before he died. "A friend taught me..."

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