Chapter 14: Piano bride

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After school had ended, I walked towards the courtyard through the crowds of students. When I was finally out of the bustling crowd, I looked up to see the limo parked in front of the gates of my school. 

Reji looks up, pushing off from his lean against the slick black car. "You're finally here.. let's go." He answered coldly, not even giving me a greet. 

I sighed, not really caring if he would've greeted me or not, because I knew he wouldn't do it either way. When I entered the limo, Laito was giggling at Ayato while sitting next to Kanato who hugged his Teddy. Sitting next to Ayato was Yui who was also had the same embarrassed look as Ayato had. 

I look at the two's shame, word must've gotten around the school. However, I couldn't find the one that was on my mind. The limo started moving and I looked around to see that Subaru wasn't here. "Where's Subaru?" I asked casually, seeing Yui jump a bit. 

"The white bastard went home earlier." Reji scoffs, "I'll need to teach that little boy a lesson."


Everyone looks up to my direction, their faces looking tense. My hand crushes the handle of the car door from my sudden rush of power, my eyes glinting into a royal blue color,"And who the hell?" making Reji feel a bit uncomfortable. "Gave you permission?"

Reji looks away from me, letting out a "Tch!!" 

I closed my eyes, burning away the blue glint. Turning away from my impossible to deal with brother. When was the last time I felt this powerful? I clench my fingers into a fist. 


I wander around the house trying to look for my white haired brother. I remember the feelings he had for Yui, I knew she wasn't interested in him, but I didn't think that he would find out the way he did earlier today. 

I stop walking, the reason why I dropped my feelings for him was because of the feelings he had for her. I sighed, but after hearing the song he had played. Everything just came rushing back to me. I wanted to hear the song again, maybe because I didn't dare to play it again in my own hands. The last song I ever played, was on the day Edgar died. 

There was ringing key, just playing a single key again and again on that lovely piano, despite all the other notes available to them. Subaru.. 

I walked toward that beautiful, but depressing key. And when I finally reach it, I open the door. Inside Subaru was leaning over the black and white keys, his pale finger tapping the white C key over and over again. Too tired to reach over and play the other, better keys. 

I look over the tired, broken boy. "You know how to play?" 

My question, sparking a surprise to the boy. Subaru gets his head off the piano and looks to my direction. "I... Yeah, but only a little." 

I walk towards him, leaning my back against the black piano. "Huh, never thought you would be able to play. Thought your hands were only good for punching walls." 

Subaru doesn't even look at me, nor defend himself from my little tease. I look at his expression and see his sadness displayed. He sighs, "When I was young my mother taught me a song, I would play it to try and calm her down, when she..." He stops himself, but he didn't need to tell me, his mother was crazy of course. "She only taught me one song and I guess it helped me calm down as well."

I wave him off, telling him to move over a bit as I climb over the piano bench sitting next to him. "That song earlier... that was the song your mother taught you?" I asked, as he gives me a nod in response. "Play it for me.." 

Subaru jolts up a bit in surprise of my request, "Huh?! Me?" He looks down at the keys then looks back at me, "You're just going to make fun of me." 

I put both of my hands up in a surrender sign, chuckling a bit. "I'm not going to say anything." 

Subaru sighs for a second then returns his attention to the black and white keys. Raising his hands, he lets the tips of his pale fingers wander the board. Soft clicks following his touch, a beautiful melody forming from the notes he played on the piano. 

I just stare at his fingers, while listening to the beautiful song. My mind is so focused on the song, my body almost falls back from the bench. Subaru looks at me and stops playing, "Uhhh... are you alright?" 

I look at him, ignoring his concern. "That song has a long history with me, it's quite tragic to be honest." 

Subaru looks down, "You aren't the only one." 

I look back at his sad expression, his hands resting on his lap. "Hey," I say perking up his attention, "You look ugly if you keep pouting that way." 


"You should also learn more piano instead of punching walls like a crazy person." 

5 minutes later 

"GET BACK HERE YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" Subaru runs through the hallways, while I chuckle a bit dodging all his punches. 

I look at his expression, the annoyance on his face replaced the sadness he felt a while ago. A smile tugged the corner of my lips, "That expression looks a lot better than before." 

Subaru gets more annoyed by this, "DAMN YOU!!" 

I caught one of his punches, making him stop his attack as soon as I catch the other one as well. He catches his breath, "What are you looking at?!" 

I lean in closer, seeing him back away a bit. "You, you finally don't have that gloomy expression on your face." I smiled, "You should keep it that way, it looks way cuter." 

Subaru's face flushes, "W-What? W-What the hell are you saying idiot!!" Ripping his hands away from my grip. 

"I'm saying..." 

A smirk widens into a smile, "Be my bride.." 

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