Chapter 16: Steamed Confession

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I walk towards the garden with my hair combed back, it felt unnatural, almost wrong. Don't know what Laito did to my hair, but my light orange strands looked dark with the amount of hair gel he splat on my hair. 

Why did my damn father have to let that bastard work on my hair?

I felt silly, Laito replaced my old school uniform with a dress shirt and an unnecessary bow tie, which I ripped off as me and him started bickering back and forth. 

I thrust my hands in my pocket, I've never been this sorted ever since Reji tried to talk me into ironing my underwear. What kind of fucker irons his underwear? 

I pull on the tight collar, unbuttoning one of the buttons, revealing my pale collarbone with the bandage still on my neck. Jeez... why did Laito have to shove me into uncomfortable clothes in such a unbearable temperature tonight? I roll my sleeves, I was so used to wearing over sized sweaters not tight ass suits. 

I continue to walk towards the place Reji directed me towards. The bright flowers turn into pale roses the color of snow. It looked beautiful at the evening. I pick one out, not using much strength as if it welcomed me to pick one. 

The rose reminded me of Subaru, it was as beautiful as him. My heart still ached, or whatever I was feeling when I remembered seeing him walk away from me after pouring what I guess was my feelings. 

I'm still new with this love thing.

"Shu!" A soft voice calls out my name. 

I look towards the womanly voice, to see a women with jet black hair, standing next to a table that held a candle light. Her eyes with a crimson color reminding me of blood. Her skin was pale, revealing too much when she wore such a dress that showed too much shoulder and legs. 

Ugh... not another one of these.... 

I wanted to tell her to put her tits back when she walked towards me with excitement. "Are these roses for me?" she-what was this girl's name again? asked. 

I was going to say no, but she takes it from me anyways, smelling the rose. "Thank you." she says with a seductive smile. I don't know what smile she was trying to pull since I was focusing on the fact that she stole my damn flower. That wasn't for her, that was for me!! I picked it for myself. 

Okay... that sounded just sad.... 

"Oh..." she gasped staring at my fingers, I looked down to see my finger bleeding, I must've been pricked when I was holding the white rose. "Your fingers bleeding.." her fingers touching mine. "I could hand you a napkin, but I could lick the blood off for you..." She says her words slurring as if she didn't know how to say basic words of the english language. (She was flirting with you Shu, GOD DAMMIT!! -Author)

I pulled my fingers away, "Nahh... I'm good..." The only person that could lick my fingers was me and Subaru. But that fantasy probably won't be happening. 

I could hear giggling, I dart my head back to the sound only to be faced with darkness and the shrubs. What the... 

The date clears her throat, "Then let us take a seat and chat a bit." she says waving her hand as a pair of wine glasses appeared, a wine bottle that was dated back to 1883. What a shame that such dated wine was spent on such a worthless date. 

Plus, this women was trying way too hard to impress me. Just leave me alone for like forever, there, impressed. 

I sat down, wrapping a napkin against the cut. The wine glasses next to me fill itself up and the women picks one up, taking a sip, her red lipstick left as she placed the wine glass back down. "I don't believe I've ever introduced myself. My name's Aika..." 

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now