Chapter 4: Tsundere

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I lean back at the plush surface of the couch. Yesterday, I had to bring that women to the nurse. Even Subaru came in this morning just to ask if I did.

Why does he care about humans all of a sudden? All they are, is a walking blood bag. Corrupted and pitted against each other.

"Ah! Almost there!" Speaking of a walking blood bag, I sit myself up. Her scents in the kitchen, I'm getting a little hungry.

I walked near the entrance of the kitchen and heard my brother's voice already with Yui.

"Why did you bring me here women?"
"You came here by yourself..."
"Shut up!! You want help or not!?"

Yui flinches from Subaru's bark, "Yes, thank you Subaru~kun.." 

I stepped in and took a look at the scene, Yui was asking Subaru for help to get a plate from a stack on the high cabnit.

Judging by his height, Subaru missed by an inch. I sighed, "these idiots.."

I walked into the kitchen, already seeing Subaru stepping near the cabnit. I step near him, his back towards me.

"Move, I got it Subaru..." tapping him on the shoulder, his white hair flutters when he turns around. Jumping in suprise when he see's me. His scarlet eyes widening to my sharp blue eyes.

But those gentle eyes grow fierce when he see's how close I am to him. "The hell? I don't need your help.." he says abruptly, not even taking a second to push me out, his back hitting the table.

"WAIT!!" The impact hitting the cabnit and letting the plates fall down out of their perfect place.

It's like time slowed down, gravity gone wrong. Without thinking I put my arm over us, using my back as a shield. My body covering my small brother.


The plate hits the floor, shattering into a million pieces. And Yui screams, as I wince in pain. The plate's impact planted a bruise on my arm, forming a black color.

Subaru quickly pushes me away, "THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?" A soft blush kissing his cheek.

I take a few steps back, "I just saved you from having a cracked skull, a 'thank you' would've been nice."

"Ah! Subaru~kun!!"

Yui steps in, making flowers bloom all around her. Calming down Subaru who before was chewing my ear off. "Your arm, It's bleeding!" Her concerning voice made his little blush turn him into a tomato.

"You need a bandage!!" She says taking his arm as she points at the small bloody cut, must've been scraped by some of the shards.

"I-I um don-" Subaru can only stammer such a response as Yui pulls out a pink

I pulled down my sleeve to hide my bruise, not wanting to be tackled by Yui's aid. "Whatever, I need to go anyways." As I headed for the exit, they probably didn't even notice I went away.

I sighed when I finally reached my couch, the place I started before I decided to enter the kitchen. Was wishing for a snack and all I got was a bruise and scold from Subaru.

Why is that guy so stubborn anyways?

I rolled my eyes before shutting them to slumber. I should've not bothered dwelling on their problems, all I get in return is a share of their mess and no comfort.

Just like the day on the fire.....


Something soft hits my face, I groan in pain rubbing my cheek that was hurt in the impact. "Wha-" I look up to see Subaru who was glaring at me.

Then I look down to see the object that hit me, a bandage roll. Taking it in my hand as I sit up from the couch. "Why did you throw this at me?"

"Tch, you lazy bastard." He points to my sleeve, "Isn't your arm injuried?"

I pull up my sleeve, revealing the black bruise. "It'll heal by itself in a matter of time." As I examine it.

"Well not quickly..." Subaru says crouching down also taking a look at my arm. "It'll probably heal faster if you added the oil that Reji gave me

I smiled playfully. "Since when did you care for your brothers, that doesn't sound like you, Subaru." His name coming out my mouth made him tense, as I pronounced each syllable in a sly tone.

"Tch," Subaru's fangs flashing matching his angry look. "Fine then, just take it and take care of yourself." Throwing the bottle at me as I catch it with ease, but he turns away stomping in his path.

"Is this what Yui would call a tsundere?"

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