Chapter 5: Collapse

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The sound of the violin quenched the loud noise of the morning rush. Having breakfast with the rest of my brother's was always pain in the ass.

"Oi!! Don't keep the Takoyaki all for yourself!!" My red haired brother says as his fangs flash from his smile.

"As if anyone would want to eat that garbage, sweets are the best.. right Teddy?" Kanato strokes his teddy bear with an eyepatch. I turn my music even louder, god couldn't they just quiet it down.

Yui comes down the stairs, her red eyes looked tired from her good night sleep. "Has anyone seen Subaru~kun?"

Ayato rolls his eyes, reaching for the carton of milk. "Tch, it's better off if we don't see him. That guy is on his man period or somethin... always punching walls and yelling at us.."

And at the perfect time, the white haired vampire snatched the carton of milk before Ayato could get it.

"Oi!! That's Your's Truly property!!" Ayato says sending a glare at him.

But Subaru doesn't even take a glance at him. As he gulps it all down right from the carton. "Fufu~ our little brother must be thristy this morning.." Laito says to him.

Without saying a word he crushes it in his fist. Dropping the carton on the floor then walks by as if nothing had happened, leaving us all in silence.

How peculiar, Subaru usually doesn't even eat in the morning..

"Oi Pancake! Pretty soon Subaru's gonna have bigger boobs than you if you let him drink all the milk.."
"Why you!"

"Everyone.." All heads turn to the second eldest brother, I sighed, Reji. "Let us not be late for school, everyone in the limo..."

The limo took us to school, I never saw the point of going other then the music room I could sleep in. But for some reason today I was kept awake.

I stare at the music score tapping my finger tips on the black music stand, peeling the old paint that was falling apart.

Ayato is right, Subaru has been more fierce, angry... And the incident this morning. What was that all about?

I shake my head, turning my music volume higher. Why should I care? Since when did I ever care about my brothers.

"Shu~san..." a soft whisper stood out from the rest of the song, I pull out my ear plug and turned around to see Yui near the doorway.

Why should I care about him?

"Come here.." I ordered her, and obediently she did. Her curious mind not knowing what hit her.

Because I'm curious...

She looks at me confused, "Shu?" I stare at the bite mark on her neck. That's Ayato's fangs, I traced my fingers over the mark making her shiver from my cold fingers.

"Ah.. is there something wrong?" Her eyes widened in fear. My blue eyes meet her terrified red.


Without waiting for her consent, I rip her uniform apart. Revealing the pale soft skin under the clothes. "S-SHU!!"

I ignored her whining, one mark on her breast must've belonged to Laito. Her stomach has a painful bite which had to be Kanato.. And one on the wrist and shoulder was definitely Reji.

But none belonged to Subaru..

Does that mean he never once fed?

"S-Shu?" Yui says starting to cover her body with the remaining scraps of the uniform. "What happened?"

"Has Subaru ever bitten you?" I asked suddenly making her jump up. She shakes her head.

I sighed, maybe he's feeding off on one of the girls in the school, like me.. no that doesn't make sense, he wouldn't have yelled at me last time if that were the case.

So that can only meant he hasn't had a decent meals for days, maybe even weeks..

"You can't just do something like that when we're at school.." Yui says covering her chest with the ripped clothing. I don't answer, still lost in thoughts. "Shu?"

I shake my head, looking at Yui's terrified. "Its nothing.." of course it's nothing. Why should I dwell on the matter anyways? Since when did I ever care. I took off my jacket and pull it over Yui's shoulder. "Take this and get to class.." I say as I start to stand up.

I open the door and behind me Yui frantically follows me. "S-Shu, does this have anyth-" but before she could finish her sentence I put my hand out blocking her.

In front of us was Subaru, walking down the hallway. I wouldn't even call that walking more like staggering.

"Subaru~kun?" Yui said curiously.

His skin is as white as his hair, his scarlet eyes appeared dark and dim. After a few steps he falls onto the floor...

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now