Valentine's Day (AU)

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"Kya!! Shu!!"

"Oh Shu..." 

"Shuuuu <3" 

Subaru never thought that the name of his lover could be so annoying. Until this day, for today was Valentine's day. Gross.... Subaru thought. He knew of all people he shouldn't be saying it, he had a partner to celebrate the day with. But... 

Subaru eyes the crowd of girls down the hall and around the blond haired and blue eyed charmer. The smell of perfume and chocolate was going to stick to Shu's clothes if they didn't scram. They sounded like little birds chirping for the mama's attention, the sound of their chirps just annoying the hell out of him. 

He slams the locker door, making the students jump in fear. Subaru was too annoyed to tell them to scram as well. He was so annoyed he was almost going to stop the chirping birds themselves. 

But he suddenly remembers. Right, no one knows. No one knows that they were together, what point would he have to make if he told the girls to fuck off. 

After all it was his decision to hide it. So reluctantly, Subaru walked off the bird's lovely nest. 


Subaru's vein almost popped out of his skin, when his boyfriend started to poke him a bit too many times. Even though Shu that it was cute, because it reminded him of a cat ready to scratch. Subaru was about to scratch his eye out if he didn't stop. "What do you want?" he growled at the blond male. The room was empty, the teacher hadn't arrived nor did the students arrive. Subaru usually used this time to sleep soundly on his desk, but Shu was making it impossible to do so. 

"Why are you so grumpy today..." Shu purs, sitting in the chair that was pulled beside Subaru's desk. "It's Valentine's day... shouldn't you be happy?" 

Yes, be happy while you get tons of chocolate from girls and laugh it off as if it was a joke. "Tch... Shouldn't you be anywhere but here?" Shu answers, Shu raises an eyebrow from his sudden sharp tone. "You know, skipping class and such!" 

"What's gotten into you?" Shu asks with a bitter tone. 

The bell rings, before he could respond. And the students start to roll in, Subaru turns to him, his response unfazed. "Go, before everyone get's the wrong idea." 

"Wrong idea?"

"You know what I mean!!" 

Shu sighs, pushing his seat back as he stands up to turn and leave the classroom. "I'll see you later.." he says, while Subaru only responds with a simple 'Tch'. 

But as soon as he hears him turn for the door, that obnoxious voice rang up again. "Ah!! Shu senpai!!" Subaru tilts his head back a little to see a sophomore girl chatting with his brother, the conversation making his blood boil. 

"Oooohhh are you skipping class? Let me come with you!!" The girl says, trying to cling onto Shu's sweater. "You got a Valentine? You must have some chocolates for me!! Hurry and give them to me already!!" 

Subaru was tempted to rip that girl's grip from his lover's sweater and teach her lesson on where her place was. But all he could do was rip his stare away from the two and focus his eyes on class instead. 

Hold your tongue, to stop yourself from shouting. 

Bite your lip till it bleeds, to stop the pain inside. 

Refuse to fight, because wasn't this what you wanted?

Subaru's eyes plant onto the problems in front of him, only seeing blurred out numbers from the clouds forming in his eyes. Yes, hide the relationship we had, to avoid the public's shouting. 

Because you're too afraid to face it.

When the students are gone and the classes are empty. Subaru rests his head on the desk in the empty room, closing his eyes. So peaceful, you would almost think he was asleep. "How long are you going to stand there for?" his mouth moves, as his eyes flutter open. Revealing their scarlet red color. 

Shu walks over to the desk, where Subaru sits up, his head removed from the wooden board. "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb such a beautiful thing..." he says as he leans back onto the desk's front, the one next to Subaru's.

Subaru snorts, "Stop with the silly compliments, they make you look stupid..." 

When Subaru picks his head up, he's faced with Shu's hand that catches his chin. Shu leans down to shut the words out, as he locks Subaru's lip with his. 

Shu jumps back, when Subaru swings his fist at him. But he only smiles, from the boy's attack. Because despite his ferocious hit, his face was covered in the tint of red roses. "Y-You can't do that!!! W-What.. What if someone saw that!!" 

Shu comes closer, now in front of his desk. His arms screwed onto the sides of his desk. Making the white haired male move his chair back. "So what?" Shu asks, a wicked smile on his face and his blue eyes shining with love. "Today is the day where you smile to your lover, spoil them rotten and don't leave them without a kiss." 

The sentence makes Subaru blush even more. "What the heck Shu!!??" 

"Now give me a kiss <3" 

"Gooooo awwwaaaayyyyy..."

Shu plants a kiss onto Subaru's lips for a second time. This time the white haired male responding back with a returning kiss. 

Shu laughs, when they pull away. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, Subaru." he says softly, his head against Subaru's.

"Shut up..." Subaru answers, pulling Shu into another kiss.

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now