Chapter 11: Sweet

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It was like having eleven cups of coffee in one sitting.

Which was weird, because I didn't drink any coffee but liquor instead. But that still didn't explain my rush of adrenaline at 3 in the morning. I wasn't drunk, nor did I wake up from a hangover. In fact I only had one glass to drink.

It wasn't from caffiene but this new feeling that was flooding my mind. Well I wouldn't say new, but a feeling I haven't felt a long time.

Last night, Subaru kissed me. Just thinking of it, made me collapse onto my bed. Saying it in my head, was making me envision it. Now that's a bad thing for a very sexual man.

I rip off the stupid cape off my neck and wipe the fake blood off my face, wishing it was real. Because I lost more blood than I thought I could drink tonight.

I touch the bite mark on my neck. The place where he had bitten and kissed. I sighed, feeling as though it was a mark left on a one night stand because it similarly didn't mean anything. 

The loud music was still booming trough the walls, beating from the floor under me. I sink to the floor, till I sat down and had my hands on my face. 

"He doesn't love you.." I groaned into my hands that I put over my face. Trying to cover up my flushed face, trying to turn my skin to it's usual pale form. 

These feelings, are fake.                            You don't actually care....

I take my hands off my face, right. I don't care. So why should I care about holding off my feelings. 

Fuck, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm already too fucked up to know the difference between right and wrong.


I groan, I stretch out my muscles, waking from the loud rap on my door. Who was that?

I looked around me, my vision a bit fuzzy from waking up so early in the morning. Was I on the floor this whole time? I looked around me, to still see my horrible costume on the floor and the smell of alcohol still stained my breath.

"SHU!!" I flinch, a bit surprised. Because the voice that usually yelled at me with this tone was Reji. But this wasn't his voice. 

I stood up, turning the knob of my door. I run a hand through my blond hair to be face to face with my little brother, who still had a strand of bandage covering one of his scarlet red eyes. But I can still see the anger seering through them.

I stand up a bit straighter, surprised of why he was here. He ever came to me, he was usually distant to me. 

"You bastard!! Did you do something to me?" he says taking my shirt, which curled into his fists. I studied his small, slender fingers. 

I laced his grip, just to touch his pale skin. Only for him to push me away, I laugh a bit, a lowly laugh. 

I leave him at the door and walked into my room. "You were drunk brother. You took a sip of my liquor and knocked out in front of me. So I took you back to your room. Simple as that my little brother." my lip curls into a mischievous smile when I look at his tense face. "What did you think it was?" 

He walked into my room, not removing his stare on me. "Then explain the blood, stained in my mouth." Subaru looked down, "I-It tasted sweet, I-I think I..." 

I was almost tempted to tell him that he drank my blood, but then he said "I think I drank Yui's blood..." My blue eyes, turned sharp and cold, like a steel dagger. 

My fist curled up, but I laugh my anger off. My coldness not disappearing at all. "Really?" I remove my bandage, revealing the bite mark. His eyes widened, not wanting to admit the truth. 

This cold feeling turned corrupted..

... And I couldn't help but smile from this and his expression, so I leaned in close to him. "So my little brother..." 

Whispering into his ear, "Was my blood really that sweet?"

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now