Chapter 10: Don't get drunk on Halloween

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Your halloween costume!! ^_^

I sighed, putting down the card after I read it onto my bed and picking up the clothes that Yui and Ayato had picked out for me.

I unzipped the cover and pulled out a black cape. "What the hell is this?" I said silently. Then looking at the tag of the cape which labelled vampire costume.

I sighed, "Why do I have to dress up as a vampire? I am a vampire!" I put my arms up in disbelief, something fell onto the floor which must've been from the cape.

I looked down to see a pair of plastic fangs. "Humans these days, with their imaginations! They always get everything wrong!" I threw it in the garbage. "Our fangs are much larger than that!"

Today was Halloween and in a couple of minutes, the party was going to begin. Reji warned us to be quiet or else he would kill us all. I wasn't a party person to say the least, but I wanted to see how horrible Ayato's party was going to end up as.

I licked the tip of my fangs, maybe I can get a good meal out of the party guests.

I took the black cape and wrapped it around me, tightening the string as it hanged onto my shoulders reaching the end of my knees.

I opened the door to see Ayato and Yui outside talking to Reji. When they noticed me, my younger brother was the first to be displeasured. "I can't even begin to believe how someone as old as you would participate in such silly acts." He says pushing his glasses up.

I shrugged not really caring about what he said. I looked over to Ayato to see him with a devil's costume and Yui with an angels costume. She walks towards me, "You look great Shu!!

Ayato snorts, probably jealous. "As if he could look better than me! Yours truly is the best looking put of all of us!"

"Ugh..." I heard someone scoff as footsteps emerged from the dark hallways decorated with webs. "I'm so sick of you calling yourself your truly!" I looked over to see Subaru emerged from the darkness.

I raised my eyebrow at his costume. A bandage was wrapped around his head. A strand covering his left eye. One covering his arm and some covering the lower part of his stomach. A mummy?

Ayato laughs, "Hah what are you supposed to be!! A toilet paper monster!?" He says continuing to tease him.

Subaru crosses his arms, "Don't know why you even bothered to wear a costume. You don't even need a costume to make you look scary."

Ayato scolds at him, "You want to see scary!!" He yells and Subaru yelled right back. "Bring it on!"

Ding dong!!

The bell rang through the mansion and I could hear the chatter of people roaring outside the gates. I looked out the window to see crowds of people outside our door. I looked over to Ayato, "Did you invite the whole school?"

Ayato smirks, crossing his arms. "How else is this going to be a party without a massive crowd?!"

"Reji's so going to kill me..." I groaned putting a hand on my face. Buttttt~ seeing my little brother mad would be quite amusing.

"NOW NOW!! LET'S NOT KEEP OUR GUEST WAITING!! WE SHALL PARTY LIKE KINGS!!" Ayato yells jumping down to greet the guest.

While the guests piled through the mansion, Yui dragged Subaru with her as they joined the party leaving me with my empty heart.

Why does it feel empty? Shouldn't it be filled with excitement by the party?

I put a hand on my heart, feeling myself sweat. My body sticking onto my shirt. Have... I fallen for my own brother?

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now