Chapter 7: I can't have that

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My brother says, the only thing he can say. I wouldn't blame him, who wouldn't react like that if some vampire offers up their blood.

On my side, what was I thinking? He must think I'm a mad man. The thought made my smile widen even more. "Drink my blood.."

"Are you crazy?! Y-You're a vampire!" Subaru says his eyes widened. He moves back, further to the edge of his bed.

I rolled my eyes, "So what? Putting my arm down, but I didn't take my eyes off him at all. "You hate vampires! You don't care if they get hurt so why should it matter all of a sudden?"

"That's not the poi-"

I cut him off, putting my arm onto the plush of the bed, his body falling as I pin him down. "Vampires are exactly what you thought they were. They're cruel they don't care about you!" An evil smirk tugs on the corner of my mouth. "They're the reason why your mother's dead." I whisper in his ears.

Subaru pushes me away not as rough as he usually would, but with no energy I'm suprised he has the strength to lift his arms. There was a scowl on his face. "Don't you dare bring her up!"

"Then why are you rejecting me? My kind.. our.. kind, have been hurting you in the beginning! Cordelia drove your mother insane and so did mine." I had a crooked smile on my face. 

"SHUT UP!!" Subaru yelled putting his hands in his white hair, this ruby eyes glaring in fury.

"Why difference do I make to them?" But before I could speak anymore, Subaru launched onto me. His fangs sinking into my neck. His body weighing on top of me.

I bit my lip, stopping myself from yelling out. Shit, how did Yui even bear the pain. Fucking hurts,

I felt Subaru flinch, and jumps back from me his lip dribbled with my blood. I sighed, touching the his teethmarks on my neck. "Geez, you could've gotten a little gentler."

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" He yells, wiping the blood from his quivering lips. His words stuttering over the 'you' part.

I took a bandage and slap it on my neck. "What? What do you mean?" I asked, not really concerned of what he was saying.

Subaru slams his fist on the metal bed's leg. "The hell?! How are you not reacting to this?! I just drank a vampires blood! Your blood!! How could you react like nothing happened?!"

I leaned back onto him, my head lowering to meet his hatred stare my fist slamming the place next to him. "Why shouldn't I? You took blood from me because you took mercy on humans. You only did what felt right, which was to hurt the monsters." I chuckled, "Which was me and you.. we are all monsters Subaru, it's perfectly normal.."

Subaru's eyes don't leave mine. An unbreakable stare, a win for dominance. But it was broken, when someone knocked on the door.

"Shu? I came back with the snacks, the doctor said Subaru's awake can I come in?" Yui's voice says through the door. I release my grip from the bed and stand up, rubbing the bandage on my neck.

"Yeah.." I replied as Subaru coughs standing up as well.

The door opens, and Yui steps in with two bottles of water. And her eyes shot straight at Subaru out of bed. "Subaru~kun!! Why are you out of bed?!" She runs up to him, putting the bottles down at the nightstand.

Yui places a hand on his pale face, her face filled with care and sorrow. "Are you alright? This is all my fault Subaru... I'm so sorry.." 

Subaru stares into her eyes, with a small smile. Leaning into her touch, "It's not your fault..."

I looked at the happy couple, loving hands wrapped around each other.

Why couldn't I have that?

I picked up one of the water bottles, then left the room. It doesn't matter, the two were probably to busy staring into each other's eyes to notice me walk away.

I stopped at the middle of the hallway. Now I remember why I couldn't have such a privilege of love.

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now