Chapter 3: Blood

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Her sly voice purred into my ear. I groaned, shutting my eyes in annoyance. The women's leg rubbing against mine.

I push her legs away from me rolling over in my seat. "Fuck off, aren't you suppossed to be in class..."

Her body hit the ground, she pouts. "But Shu~ I was worried about you!!" She smiles unbuttoning her collar revealing her pale skin. "I thought you were going to get hungry."

Without warning I grabbed her neck slamming her head against the wall. She coughs, gasping for air. I tightened my grip on her neck.

I scolded at her, "Worried about me?" My blue eyes started to burn. "Don't make me laugh, you only want to have your blood sucked by my, you masochist whore..."

"S-Shu!! Y-You're going to-" her breath grows short, but I don't care. She's only human,

"Just shut up and be a good piece of meat." I bite down on her pale neck drawing blood. Drinking down every drop.


My eyes widened as I removed my fangs out of her neck still some of her blood dripping from my lip. The body dropped to the floor, leaning against a wall with a sliver knife sticking out.

"You'll kill her, if you continue..." The familiar cold voice spoke. I turned around, my blue eyes meeting a pair of red one's.

I licked my lips, swallowing the left over blood. I took a glance at the knife in the wall. "Reji's looking for me, huh?" I took the knife out and threw it at the white haired man.

The knife belonged to Subaru, the youngest son of Karlheinz, my little brother. He catches with ease, not breaking our stare.

"School's over," Subaru scoffed at him. "Next time if you're going to feed, clean up your mess.." then turned for the exit.

My eyes died down, looking at the bloody mess under my feet. "Fuck..."

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now