Chapter 15: Rejected date

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"W-What..." was the only word that came out of Subaru's mouth. Until he finally process the words into his brain. "WHAT THE HELL?! What are you saying all of a sudden?!"

"What do you mean what am I saying? I'm saying I want to marry you. M-A-R-R-Y, you know we have a wedding and-" 

"I KNOW WHAT MARRIAGE IS!!" Subaru yells at my blunt response. "Just why the hell are you saying this... to me.." he looks down at his hands, and whispers to himself "Why me..?" as if he was asking himself..

I caught his hand that he looked down upon, "Because I like you.." 

Subaru steps back, his face twisted in confusion. His pale skin suddenly turning red, "What ever reason would explain that you like me?" 

"Does love need a reason?" 

Subaru looks me in the eye that were filled with passion and love. But he turns away, "The hell would I know about love...." he turns his back away, from the warm and lovely feeling he could've had. "We weren't born to care.... to love... We were born to be monsters..."  

"Subaru." I say his name, expecting him to turn around, instead he just walks away, not giving a shit about my command. 

"Don't follow me," Subaru says simply as he walks down the hall his back turned to me. "That pitiful confession probably didn't mean anything to you anyways..." his words as a light as a whisper. 

I look back at this broken boy, wanting to reach out. But he was already out of my reach to begin with. I put my hand down, Subaru just got his heart broken earlier. I sighed, how stupid was I to think about confessing on such a bad time. 

My phone rings from downstairs, drawing my attention away from Subaru. I look around seeing that nobody was around to get it. I walked down the stairs to pick up the phone, "Hello?" 

"Ahh!! My son!! Just who I was looking for!!" The voice behind the call makes me groan out, not wanting to hear from him. Who was he? My father.. What does he want? 

"What do you want?" I asked with no hesitation. 

My father chuckles, "Right to business, isn't it? Your mother was the same way." I bite my tongue to stop myself from talking back. "Anyways!! Reji told me you would be delightfully interested in going on the date this evening." 

I curse under my breath, I almost forgot about my stupid brother. I'm going to have to teach that son of a bitch a lesson. "I'm not-" 

"Oh? I hope you didn't say you weren't going." he sighs through the phone, but I could feel his anger rising through the phone call. "It would be quite a disappointment to the lucky girl, and it would be.. much... of a pain to see that.." 

My own anger grows, annoyed by his threatening words. "7 o'clock?" 

I can hear my father chuckle, "Make sure to wear new clothes and a bright smile." His sudden change in attitude making me want to barf as I hang up the phone. I sighed, putting the phone back onto the dial. 

A fucking date? 

I look back upstairs, no one was there. But it still reminded me of Subaru, I turn my back to it and started to walk up the stairs to my room to change for a date I didn't love.

Is it okay to love you? (Subaru x Shu)Where stories live. Discover now