A Cuppa (Part 1)

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You tapped your foot against the tiled floor in the café. You checked your watch again. You were early, but rightfully so. You'd barely been in the area three months. It was all due to your job placement after university. You agreed to it, but who knew you'd have the chance to live in your dream city after spending four years in university studying like a madwoman?

"Y/N, you made it," Tom approached with empty hands and wearing a slightly wet leather jacket. It was drizzling outside, typical of April in London. You stood up and he held out his arms. You both hugged each other. The first thing you noticed was his cologne. It was musky, but it was pleasant. Both of you pulled away. He glanced at the menu. His lip twitched and he paused.

"Should we order some coffee or tea maybe?" You offered, filling the gap where he had paused. He grinned, nodding and extending a hand to let you go first. You felt his hand graze the upper part of your back, guiding you to the line. The menu was full of different options: imported teas, cold brew coffee, standard hot dark roasts, and flavored lattés. It was hard to choose.

"I really like the black tea or the lattés," Tom chimed in behind you. You turned to him. He looked at you with his soft brown eyes. The color of his eyes resembled milk chocolate.

"I love a good cup of tea," you told him. "Do you come here a lot?" Tom ran a hand through his hair and glanced to the menu, then to you.

"I don't come here as much as I used to, but it is one of my favorite places," he said with a small smile. "I hope you didn't have trouble finding the place."

"Oh no," you said with a wave of your hand and moved up one person before the register. "It was easy to find once I got off the tube." Tom smiled. The person in front of you finished ordering and the lady motioned you forward. Tom stood right behind you. His musky cologne was overpowering, in a good way.

"I'll have an iced black tea, please. No sugar," you said and turned back to Tom. He moved next to you so your arms were touching. You got goosebumps, but your long sleeve shirt hopefully hid that fact to him.

"I'll get a hot black tea with two sugars, please," he said. The lady behind the register smiled.

"That'll be £6.78," she said. You fished for money but Tom handed her some mildly crumpled bills.

"Thanks," you told him. He smiled and nodded. He took back the change and he let you lead the way back to your table. Placing the order number on the table, both of you sat across from each other at the booth.

"So do tell me, Y/N," Tom leaned over across the table after he put his wallet away and silenced his phone. "What brings you to London? I know you're not British."

"Ha," you laugh and cross your legs under the table. "What gave it away? The clothes? The confusion on my face?" You tease him and he giggles. He squints his eyes and flashes you a bright white smile.

"You're funny. Are you here for work? School, perhaps?" He asks. Just then, someone comes by with the teas. He passes yours to you. You grab it, brushing against his fingers just a little. You both glance at each other. He blushes at the same time you feel your cheeks heat up.

You take a sip of your tea and smile. He holds his cup in his hands to warm them up.

"I'm here for work. And I went to university in the UK, so naturally, I found a job here because it was just easier," you take another sip of your tea. He does the same. "So, what movies are you working on now? Or maybe TV shows?"

"I'm working on some Marvel movies. Do you like Marvel?" He asks with excitement budding in his eyes. You nod.

"I love them! I just like superheroes in general," you look down to your cup. Tom clears his throat.

"What do you do for work?" He asks you.

"I studied marketing, but I'm only an assistant to one of the marketing managers now. Maybe someday that'll change," you said. You feel yourself frown as you tell him.

"If you could do anything in the world, what would you do?" He asks you.

"Write," you say without hesitation. You smile and he does the same. "Just write stories. All day."

"What kind of stories?" He asks with another sip of his tea.

"I like fiction. About things I wish could happen," you said and start to daydream. You notice him staring at you like he did in the restaurant a few nights ago. "What do you like to do when you aren't filming and working?"

"I like to be at home with Tessa," he said and looked at you seeing a flicker of confusion. "My dog, Tessa. She's such a sweetheart. I like to hang out with friends, watch TV, and go to the gym. Nothing too crazy. What do you like to do, when you aren't writing or working?"

"I love exploring new places," you told him. "Like I used to live further north, so London is entirely new to me. There's so much to see and do here."

"Do you like modern or more historical places?" He asked you. You nod.

"I like a bit of both, but I always have a sweet spot for historical spots. There's just something about them that I like. You know?"

"Mm-hm," he hummed and both of you were just staring at each other for a brief moment. A few seconds later, you glance back down to your tea and giggle out of nervousness. He laughs, too. Good I'm not the only one.

"I was thinking," he started. "Maybe I could show you some places. Do you have time?" He asked.

"You mean like now?" You ask and he nods.

"If that's okay. I drove here. We could just drive around. We can take our teas and spend the day looking at different places," he offered. "Would you be interested?"

Your mind started to race a little bit and your heart sped up just the same. This was crazy.

A boy I met five days ago offered to drive me around in his car and show me different historical and fun spots in London. What would Y/B/N think about this? What about my mom?

You took a deep breath and looked out the window to the cloudy London morning. Tom tapped his fingers against the table. You could tell he was a little nervous.

"Okay." You told him. He stopped moving.

"Really?" He seemed genuinely surprised. You nod. "Oh, awesome. Let's go."

Both of you pick up your tea cups and stand up from the table. With a hand hovering just behind your back, he guides you to the door and into the bright cold morning.

*If you like, please comment or follow or like the story!  Let me know what you think and if you want to hear more like this one, I had some fun writing this one :)*  

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