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You and Tom had met through mutual friends one night as you were both out at a bar you both love.  It was happenstance to meet, actually, seeing as you weren't even supposed to be at that bar, but you ran into Harrison, who introduced the two of you.  And thus, now, two weeks later, you both were hanging out.  You called it hanging out, but the more you both hung out, the more comfortable you got around each other.  Which meant more hand holding, hugging, and you know, close calls where you almost kissed.  

"Hey, you have to do it like this," Tom said, standing up to correct your form.  You stood with the bowling ball weighing down your right arm.  You raised an eyebrow to Tom, who just shrugged as his arms hovered around you.  "Just relax a little so when you swing, you can have better aim."

"Are you sure?"  You asked.  Tom nodded.  You'd seen him go just moments before, when he completely missed and the bowling ball headed right for the gutter.  It was cute he kept trying to help even though as much as he didn't want to admit it, he wasn't too great at bowling.  But that red bandanna on his head made you smile when you stared at him.

You did as Tom told you, stepping back before moving forward, swinging your arm, and releasing.  The ball sailed down the lane, slowly but surely heading toward the right side.  Until it skidded off at the last minute, only hitting one pin on the far edge.  Tom stifled his laughter, covering his mouth as you whipped around to him.

"I feel like you did that just so you weren't the only one who sucked," you teased, sticking your tongue out as you came to the monitor.  Both of you had resounding single digits beside your names, sticking out like a sore thumb next to the other lanes.  Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing, except you two. Not that you minded.  Being with Tom was the best part of this bowling outing.

"We at least got to finish the last four rounds, okay?  Then maybe we can play another arcade game.  Since both of us suck at this," Tom chuckled, grabbing a maroon bowling ball and winking at you.  You watched as he stepped up to the lane, waiting as the pins reset the one pin that was misplaced by you.  Then, after the machine stopped and went back to its original position, Tom made his move.  The bowling ball sped down the lane, just to the right of the center of the pins.  All but two pins crashed to the backboard and Tom turned around.  His arms were in the air and he was cheering.  You giggled, covering your mouth.

"Bravo," you said as he came up to you, lazily putting an arm over your shoulders as you stared down the bowling lane.  You didn't want him to win.  And he probably wouldn't get the other two pins that were standing up.  

"It was a lucky shot," he told you.  You raised an eyebrow as he grabbed another bowling pin, returning to his position for the second attempt.

"Sure," you mumbled as he let the ball go.  No hits.  The machine descended and placed another fresh row of pins.  It was your turn.  Please let me beat him, you thought to yourself.

You took a deep breath, standing at the top of the bowling lane.  Suddenly, you felt two hands at your waist.  Butterflies started in your stomach.  Tom put his head on your shoulder, letting his chin rest on your collarbone.

"You have to relax," he whispered to you.  You rolled your eyes, turning to face him more before both of you began to smile.

"Maybe I could if you didn't do that," you told him, earning a frown.  You giggled and his cheeks flushed red.  But he didn't move his hands from your hips.  "I like it when you do that, but it's a little distracting."

"That was kind of the point," Tom whispered again before his arms retracted and you were left standing there, cold and distraught.  One more deep breath and you released the ball, letting it speed down the lane.  It can't be, you thought, watching as the bowling ball seemed to be headed straight for the middle one.  BOOM!  All the pins came crashing down and before you knew it, you were jumping up and down.  Tom wrapped his arms around you and he pressed his lips against yours.  Taken aback, you squirmed a little before relaxing in his arms.  Both of you pulled away, staring at each other.

"Maybe I should distract you more often," Tom teased, sticking out his tongue.  You leaned into his embrace, nodding to the lane.

"I think it's my turn to distract you," you told him, slipping away from him as he grabbed a bowling ball, craning his neck on an angle as he stood just a few feet away from you.  Then, he turned around and smirked to you.

"Why do you think I'm sucking so bad?"  His cheekiness made you giggle, right before he let go of the bowling ball, letting it ride into yet another gutter.  But neither of you seemed to care.  Only one thing kept replaying in your mind: your first kiss, right after your strike, and Tom's grin in your direction, making your insides turn to a pool of mush with delight.  

Tom Holland One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now