A Cuppa (Part 3)

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After some time walking through the market, Tom and you ended up driving to South London. You guys parked near the same coffee shop and walked to Isabella Plantation. You were both still sipping on the teas from earlier and munching on the cheese toasties. Soon, you both found yourself at a set of benches overlooking the lake.

"I can't believe your dad did that for your birthday," he told you through laughs. "I'm sorry, that must have been quite the scene."

"It was. I'm glad that was a one and done ordeal," you giggled and took another sip of your tea. Tom stared at you again before clearing his throat and looking out to the lake. Then he gasped.

"Oh dear, we never went to the London Eye. It completely slipped my mind," he said and put his cup down in the space between the two of you. "Do you still want to go?"

"It's okay," you said and put a hand on his shoulder. "Today was really fun. I'm really glad we hung out." Tom smiled and looked out to the water. Swans were slowly drifting by and trees swayed with the wind. You held your arms around you and tried to shield yourself. The light jacket you had on didn't do much for you.

"Come here, love," Tom said and took off his jacket. He wrapped it around you and you cuddled into it. You mumbled a "thanks" and he scooted closer to you. His arm lazily went over your shoulders and you leaned into his musky torso.

"What's your schedule like this week?" You asked him. You didn't want to seem too eager, but the idea of not seeing Tom after such a fun and comfortable day was sad to think about. He looked down to you and rested his chin on the top of your head.

"I'm home for the next two weeks. Then it's one month spent working. Did you...want to hang out again?" You nodded into his shirt and his free hand found yours. He twisted his fingers into yours and sighed.

"If you want to," you looked up to him and he was smiling. He nodded.

"Of course. You're cool," he whispered into the cold air. Your laughter erupted into the air. His eyebrows pushed together. "What?"

"'You're cool' sounds just funny. That's all. You're cute," you said without thinking. "I mean, 'you're cool'." Tom laughed really loudly and both of you sat there just cuddling on the bench. This was a really nice first date, you thought to yourself. If this even counts as a date.

Tom checked his watch and his eyes lit up.

"Uh oh," he said and looked down to you. You sat up and removed yourself from your position. "I forgot. My family and I made dinner plans at six."

You checked your phone. You hadn't even realized that it was already late into the evening. You sat up and went to give him back his jacket, but he shook his head.

"It's okay, you look beautiful in it. Mind if I drive you home?" He asks and offers you a hand. You stand up and take his hand. You walk hand in hand through the park, past all the grandparents sitting together and all the young families having picnics. You come to his Range Rover and you both hop in the car. He glances over to you.

"Where do you live?" He asks.

"I live really close to Twickenham Tube Station," you tell him. "You can just drop me off there. I'm right around the corner." A smirk spreads across his lips.

"You know, we're like neighbors. I'm literally five minutes away from you," he says with a smile. He turns on the car and backs out of the parking space. Off you both go down the street, heading north from the garden.

"So, for date number two," he starts and looks over to you. "Do you have any requests? Or would you like to be surprised?" You smile and look over to him. You wrap yourself further in his jacket.

"You can surprise me," you tell him. He turns the wheel and turns down another busier street laced with shops and apartment buildings at the top. "When would you like to meet up again?"

"What about...Friday?" He asks slowly. You nod. "I really did have a great time today, Y/N."

"Me too," you say with a smile. "I enjoy spending time with you." He can't stop grinning as he pulls up to the tube station with Twickenham plastered on the top of the sign.

"Are you sure you don't want me to just drive you to your apartment?" He asks. He seems insistent on being a true gentleman. You shake your head and unbuckle, about to take off his jacket.

"It's okay, I live in that building right there," you point to a red brick building just beside the station staircase. He holds up a hand.

"Please, you can keep it until next time. So, I'll pick you up at seven Friday?" He says with a smile. You nod and pause for a second. Is this where he kisses me? He seems to have the same thought. He looks from your eyes to your lips, then back up to your eyes. He purses his lips and turns bright red.

"I'll see you in a few days," you say with a smile and hop out of the car, confused but also really happy. He waves to you as you walk up towards the building and he pulls away from the curb. Why didn't he kiss me? Just then, your phone vibrates.

Tom H.: You forgot your tea!

You walk back to where the car slowly rolled up to the curb again before a bridge. You open up the door again and you're met with Tom's deep brown eyes. Except he isn't holding your tea. You hop back in the car, looking to where the tea cup should be. You look up to him and he's leaning in. He presses his warm lips against yours. One of his cold hands cups your cheek. You both pause before continuing on, with deeper kisses.


Tom pulls away and rolls his eyes, looking behind him to a car that is honking at him.

"Oi!" He shouts behind him. Then he looks back to you, gently rubbing his thumb over his cheek.

"I would have beat myself up about it if I didn't kiss you," he grins. Another quick kiss to your lips and you snatch your tea cup.

"I would have thought about it all week if you hadn't," you admit and hop out of the car. "Bye, Tom." You wave to him.

"Bye, Y/N." Tom grins as you shut the door. He slowly pulls away. You pull some hair out of your face, taking your phone out to call your best friend, Y/B/N.

Riiiiiing. Riiiiiing. Riiiii--

"Hey! I was texting you all day. How was it?" You laugh, feeling the butterflies in your stomach. You can't stop grinning. Not that you had all day.

"Let's get food and I can tell you all about it."

*Let me know what you think!  I had a lot of fun with this one, all three parts of it :)*

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