First Encounter

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"Y/N," your best friend pushed the basket of bread towards you. "So tell me, how's work?" You took a piece of bread and ripped off a piece.

"It's work, you know. Not too exciting, but it pays the bills, right? How's yours?" You dipped your bread in butter and looked across to your best friend, Y/B/N. She rolled her eyes and took her second piece of bread already.

"It's fine. I'm hoping to get a promotion soon. I could be bumped up to assistant manager if I play my cards right." Both of you smiled and kept on chewing on your bread.

"That's amazing!" You checked your phone. There was still no message. Maybe he forgot. Your best friend noticed your distress and nudged your foot under the table. You glanced back up at her.

"Everything okay?" She asked you as her smile faded. You shook your head and dropped your phone into your purse on the floor.

"I've been talking to this guy and I thought things were going fine. But--"

"But you met him on Tinder and he hasn't messaged you consistently since your first date a few days ago." Your best friend rattled off the truth all in one breath. She winked to you and shook her head, her eyes still sad. "This is like a pattern with that damn Tinder app."

"Yeah, I thought he was different," you muttered and took a sip of your water. "I think it's best I focus on work and just let the rest figure itself out."

Your best friend grinned again, pulling some hair behind her ear.

"That's the spirit! We are going to kill it in the professional world. Don't you think?" The waiter came by before your best friend could continue on any further. Both of you looked back down to your menus.

"What would you guys like to order?" He asked and flipped open a tablet that he had in his pocket. You let your best friend go first. You knew what you were going to order. But you felt like someone was staring at you. You pushed some hair out of your face and glanced around the restaurant. Families were eating their dinners in peace, laughter, and good conversation. Then diagonally across from you, you spotted him. He had soft brown eyes and messy curly hair on top his head. Despite his full table of six all chatting, he was staring at you. When he noticed you, he smiled just a little bit and his cheeks turned red.

"Y/N? Did you want to eat?" Your best friend snapped you back to reality. You looked up at the waiter, still painfully aware the boy was staring at you.

"S-Sorry, I'll have the house salad with salmon. Thanks," you said and passed the menu to the waiter. Your best friend squinted at you as he left the two of you alone again. Then she glanced behind you to the table you were staring at.

"What's up, Y/N? You look like you saw a ghost," your best friend teased with a giggle. You still felt your cheeks hot. When you glanced back around once more, your admirer was engaged in conversation. But he looked at you for the briefest moment. His cheeks turned cherry red again.

"I need to use the bathroom," you said and pushed the chair backwards. You put your napkin on the table. Your best friend just stared at you. "I swear I'm fine, I just need to pee." She believed you and sat back a little more in her seat, immersing herself in her phone for a little while. You hurried off towards the bathroom. All you had to do was wash your face. Just to relax a little bit.

Why had the boy got you so flustered? You didn't even know him! But he was pretty cute. Like really cute, actually.

You smiled to yourself as you pushed open the bathroom door. Both stalls were empty. You went to the sink and splashed some water on your face. With a paper towel, you patted your face dry. With one deep breath in, you moved away from the sink. It's all okay. Don't worry, Y/N.

Right when you pushed the door open, you bumped into someone about your height with short hair. He whipped his head around. You recognized those eyes. The butterflies erupted in your stomach.

"H-Hey. I'm so sorry," he stuttered in a thick British accent. He gave you a weak smile. "I didn't mean to stare either. It was kind of creepy, I know."

"It's not the worst thing that's happened," you said with a wave of your hand, even though on the inside, you agreed with him. Just a little creepy. Both of you stood there awkwardly. Then he extended a hand.

"I'm Tom," he said and shook your hand. You chuckled a little bit at the formality.

"I'm Y/N. I am a fan of yours. Your movies, I mean," you clarified with a nervous laugh. He gave you a smile.

"Thank you. Um, this is forward, but do you want to hang out? Maybe grab a cup of coffee?" He waited, looking deep into your eyes. You gulped. Of course, right after you get ghosted on Tinder, Tom Holland asks me out. He kept waiting. "Or if you don't want to, that's okay. I know I maybe freaked you out and--"

"No, no. I would love to get coffee," you said with a smile. "I just moved to this area so I don't know any places, really."

Tom laughed a little and took out his phone, handing it to you. You pulled yours out and gave it to him to put in his number.

"It's okay, I know a few good ones. So I'll text you then?" He took back his phone and you took yours, saving his number as 'Tom Holland'.

"Sounds great. It was nice to meet you," you said and backed away from the bathroom doors. Tom waved, still a little pink in the face, then he disappeared into the men's bathroom. You tucked your phone into your pocket. You prayed your best friend hadn't seen what just happened, but you saw her and knew she did. Her jaw was hanging open and her eyes as wide as the meatballs on her plate.

"Was that the Tom Holland?" She whisper yelled to you. You shushed her and put your phone into your purse.

"It was. He's taking me to coffee," you whispered back to her. Your best friend jumped in her seat. I hope Tom isn't seeing this, you thought to yourself.

"You're gonna have fun," your best friend teased and took a sip of rosé. "He seems sweet."

"We shall see," you also grabbed your glass of wine, taking a sip. Putting it down onto the table, you turned around to see a glowing Tom Holland, chatting with friends and family. Then he met your eyes. You couldn't wait for your date.  

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