First Time (SMUT/Mature)

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You and Tom pushed open the door of his apartment. You were still giggling from that one glass of pinot noir he had purchased for each of you. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face. It was your sixth date, five weeks since you both had decided to give dating each other a chance. Needless to say, it was working out well.

"Steady there, love," Tom said and snaked an arm around your waist before you fell into his leather couch. "Come on." He guided you to his room. He was always such a gentleman. The last time you'd been at his place for the night, he drew you a long bath and got his comfiest sweats for you to slip into once you were ready for bed. Your imagination already visioned what he may do this time.

"Tom," you whispered as you came to his bedroom. You twisted around and clasped your arms around his neck for support. He looked into your eyes, still smiling. Both of his hands held onto your hips. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Mmhm," he hummed and tried his best not to stare at your lips, but you could tell he was putting up quite a fight. Your faces were inches away from each other. In that moment, tipsy you took over and you weren't even the slightest bit interested in kissing his soft lips. It was time for very important questions.

"Do you ever wonder how snakes do 'it'?" You asked and cocked your head to the side. He squinted his eyes. Then he started to cackle. You frowned and gently pushed his chest but he still kept his grip on your waist. If anything he pulled the two of you closer.

"You never cease to surprise me," he grinned and pressed his forehead against yours. His wine laced breath touched your lips. He licked his lips and you suddenly found yourself enticed by the idea of kissing him. Feeling his soft lips crash against yours. Feeling his hands tangle themselves in your hair. He noticed your distraction. "What are you thinking about?"

"Kissing you," you said without hesitation. Your fingers toyed with the ends of his hairs on his neck. He swallowed and closed the gap between you two. His soft lips gently molded against yours. You pulled away and he chuckled.

"Are you okay?" He whispered. You nodded, looking deep into his eyes. Then down to his lips. You dipped in for another one, this time with more energy. He responded by moving his hands to your face, cupping your cheeks in his warm palms. You both wanted this. You could tell by the look in his eye when you pulled away again and he seemed anxious to continue.

"It's okay," you whispered, guiding his hand to the hem of your shirt. His eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" He asked, suddenly more nervous than before. With a smirk on your face, you nodded. Together, your hands tugged the hem of your blouse up and over your head. You stood there in your bra for the first time with him. You reached for his shirt and he nodded.

You unbuttoned each one slowly, knowing that the anticipation might add to the mood. No, you knew this would work like magic. Tom watched you attentively. He shimmied out of his shirt when the buttons were free. Your hands grazed over his pecs and down to his waistband. You looped your hands in his belt loops. His hands moved towards your bra but stopped. You guided one of his hands underneath and he leaned in again.

Tom let his tongue slip into your mouth. He fought for dominance, but you seemed to be winning. His hand massaged your breast and you gasped. His lips moved to your neck and moved down to your chest. Your hands massaged his hair as he moved further and further down. Finally, you reached for your bra clasp. It loosened and Tom stopped. He let it fall to the floor and glanced at you once more. One nod from you and he continued.

He guided you to his bed. He straddled you and grabbed your hands. You pushed your skinny jeans down and to the floor. You could see Tom's eyes widen and his pants hold back his erection. With a few twists and turns, you both were left in your underwear. He returned to making out with you, finding his way to your last article of clothing. He tossed them to the ground.

He breathed above your lower region, glancing at you as he pressed kisses to your thighs. Your hips instinctively hitched and you shut your eyes.

"Tom," you breathed out just before his fingers pushed in. You moaned and his lips pressed to your stomach. There was more movement and you heard a plastic wrapper open. Tom's lips found your neck. You opened your eyes to see him staring at you. He held your hands just beside your head.

"Y/N, are you sure?" You bit your lip and nodded to him. He adjusted, then pushed in. You winced and he stopped. "Just tell me when," he whispered, pressing kisses to every inch of your face. Your hands slipped themselves under his arms and pulled him closer.

"Okay," you whispered into his ear. He began to thrust, slowly at first.

"That's good," you moaned into his ear. This made him go faster.

"Are you--"

"Yeah," you whispered. The sexual frustration was so built up already. A few more hip thrusts and Tom froze, clutching onto your body. You moaned one last time into his shoulder. Tom's lips left a trail of kisses from your shoulder to your lips. He pulled out and fell to your side. Both of you were panting like crazy. Once you caught your breaths, you both turned to each other.

"How was it?" He asked you. He turned onto his side and slipped an arm over your waist.

"I'm happy. Are you?" You waited for Tom's answer. Instead, he leaned in and gave you another gentle kiss, just like at the beginning of this all. You both pulled away and were grinning at each other.

"I'm ecstatic," he said and poked your ribs. You giggled, as that was a spot you were notably ticklish for. You turned away from him and his arm pulled you closer. He was your big spoon, and you, his little spoon. You both remained there for a little while, until Tom's hands started venturing further down past your waist.

"To-om," you turned your head back to him with a smile. "What's up?"

"Do you mind if we do it again?" He asked you with the faintest pout growing on his face. You laughed, grabbing his hand and twisting it up by your chest. His hand found your boob and he squeezed it. You let out a sigh and turned to face him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Round two?" You asked. Tom's eyes lit up and the smirk on his face spread from ear to ear. His free hand moved to your face to push the hair away.

"Round two!"

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