Just Swinging By (Peter Parker/Spider-Man)

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You didn't know Peter increasingly well, but you saw him everywhere.  You both lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same elementary school, and yet, you hadn't actually imagined you would ever be friends with him.  Until you got to high school and he was in every single one of your classes.  

You watched as he went from shy, geeky kid with the huge glasses to suddenly very antsy, distracted boy in a matter of months.  You knew he went through a lot with losing Uncle Ben, and you offered him condolences, took the train home with him and made small talk with him.  Mostly because his aunt and your parents were friends, but also because you hated seeing him sad.  He was always so kind to you, so naturally, you wanted to return the favor.  

One evening after school, he didn't take the train.  It was very unlike him, too, seeing as it was his routine.  He'd take the three o'clock train every weekday after school.  He had been weird since the field trip to the laboratory.  But you didn't think a thing of it.  Not seeing him did make you sad, though.  You didn't want to admit it, but you did have a little crush on him.

Your ride home was uneventful since he wasn't there.  You got off at your stop, descending the stairs, and heading to the local convenience store.  You picked up the first prepackaged sandwich you could find and went up to the register.  The man behind the counter gave you a smile and rang you up.  The door opened and the doorbell rang, alerting the shop owner someone was inside.  But then without warning, you heard someone pull back the safety on the gun.  You turned and gasped.

"Move.  Now."  You obeyed, seeing the gun right in front of your face and a man with a black mask staring at you with steel cut eyes.  The clerk went from cheerful to scared, opening up the drawer and holding up his hands.

"Take whatever you need.  Just please don't hurt anyone," he begged.  The thief didn't even say a word.  He dug his hands into the register, shoving the money into the bag and rushing out.  Tears ran down your cheeks and you looked at the clerk who looked at you with sad eyes.

"It's okay," you said.  "It's okay."  He motioned for you to take the food and he went for the phone.  You pulled at yours too.  It was good Peter didn't take the train today.  He would have freaked out at the sight of any sort of crime.  He was squeamish when it came to danger and violence.  This you knew from seeing him in biology, when you both had to watch videos of surgery at the request of your teacher, to which Peter would look away and gag, then mutter something to Ned about the disgusting nature of the film.

You stepped outside, turning to the right, seeing people screaming to the left.  You assumed the thief went that way.  It was the only logical explanation.  

"Give me your money."  The same voice announced behind you.  You didn't need to turn around to know the gun was in your face.  You held your hands up, handing over your wad of cash your dad had given you to split between train fare and lunch money.  He took it, groaning as he ran off.  

Suddenly, through the air, a flash of red and blue leaped down from the sky.  

"That doesn't belong to you!"  A high pitched man's voice shouted at the thief, clocking him in the face with a swift kick.  You jumped a little, hearing the gun go off as the thief missed.  Something shot out of the red and blue man's hands.  Was it silly string?  Either way, the gun was stuck to the ground.  And the man was affixed to the light pole.  The blue and red man came back with your wad of cash and the bag from the store, leaving the thief struggling on the pole.

"H-Here you go, ma'am," he told you, handing you the money.  

"Thanks," you said, still shaking.  He was wearing a mask and you couldn't make out who or what this guy looked like.  Either way, there was this calming feeling in your stomach.  Like you knew him somehow.

"Are you okay?"  The man asked, his voice heavy with a Queens accent.  You nodded.  The man held up his hand, giving you a wave and heading back to the convenience store.  Without hesitation, you called your mother.

"Mom?"  Worry filled her voice when you spoke right away, not even giving her a chance to speak.

"Are you okay?  What's wrong?"  Your voice trembled as you let the words slip out of your mouth.

"Can you come and meet me?  I just saw a robbery," you told her.  She hung up, rushing down to meet you.  She comforted you the entire way home, consoling you.  You felt infinitely better, even though it was a five minute walk away from the convenience store to your house.

When you arrived home, someone was sitting on the porch steps, bouncing his foot up and down.  Peter looked up at you, standing up in a hurry with both arms outstretched to you.

"Are you okay?"  He asked, seeing the shock still present on your face.  You nodded, squinting at him.  He hadn't taken the train.  How had he gotten home so fast?  "Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N.  I heard about the robbery."

"How did you get home so fast?"  You asked him.  His eyes widened and he cleared his throat, shrugging the way he does whenever someone asked him a question he clearly didn't know the answer to.

"I caught a ride.  I was just swinging by and wanted to make sure you were okay.  I know we always go home together and I wasn't there today, so...yeah," he finished, scratching the back of his neck.  You managed a smile as your mom fished for the keys.

"Yeah, I'm okay now.  I met some guy in a red and blue suit," you said proudly.  Peter's grin grew.  Your mother buzzed in, holding the door open.

"Come in, Peter.  You're welcome to stay for dinner," your mother offered, giving you a wink.  You glared at her.  But Peter was all too happy to come inside, rushing in before you.

"What did the guy do?  I have heard about him," Peter started, returning to the man in blue and red.  "I heard he's like, thirty."

"He has a really high pitched voice for a thirty year old," you started, making him laugh as the two of you ascended the stairs, discussing the details of the robbery you witnessed, and the man in blue and red tights who saved you from disaster.

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