In the Spirit of Charity

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You entered the contest and didn't think you'd win.  At the end of the day, supporting a charity was just as cool as possibly meeting Tom Holland.  But when you checked your email on August 24th, you were ecstatic.  Out of the thousands of people who entered, you were chosen.  You were going to London, and you couldn't wait.

Your best friend, Y/B/N, and you got on the plane and despite knowing how tired you'd be, the adrenaline was pumping through you.  You had received the schedule from the Brothers Trust Charity.  First day, you'd arrive and settle in after you were picked up from the airport.  The second day, you'd meet him.  You'd show up on set, have lunch with him, take some photos, and you'd get to hang out all day.  And then, the third day, you'd have the entire day to explore before you headed back home.  Three days somehow combined to make the world's best surprise ever.

"Come on," your best friend said and tugged you out of the car.  Tom's family was in charge of helping you guys get around the second day, and they'd been absolute angels.  Every little thing had gone perfectly and his parents kept commenting on how beautiful you looked.  And how Tom was excited to finally meet you.  Tom.  The Tom was excited to meet you.  Somehow the words still didn't settle into your brain just yet.  Not until you saw him.

He was standing outside of set in a pair of sweats, a beanie, and a pair of trainers.  When he saw your best friend and you, he came over, a wide smile on his face that brought out his dimples.  As you extended your hand, he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you in for a big hug that enveloped you in his cologne.

"It's so nice to finally meet you.  How was the flight?"  He asked, the accent thick, just as the rest of the London area had greeted you the last thirty-six hours.

"It was great.  Still a little jet lagged," you said as you pulled away from the hug.  "My name's Y/N.  And this is Y/B/N."  Tom nodded to both of you, then looked over to his parents.

"I can take it from here, Mum.  Thanks a bunch," he grinned, giving his mother a hug and his dad a wave.  Then it was just the three of you, walking towards set.  "Shall we?  There's loads to show you, but you have to promise not to take any photos."  Both you and your best friend nodded, exchanging looks when Tom turned around.  He was even more attractive in person, somehow.  How that was possible?  Who even knows!

He walked around, pointing out all that there was to see on set.  It was amazing.  Of course the entire time, you kept kicking yourself for not being able to take pictures.  Your friends and family would never believe half of the stuff you'd tell them about the trip, but it was all so exquisite.  You all came to the make up trailer, where Tom sat in a chair and turned around to face both of you.

You chatted as Tom got his make up done.  The entire time, whenever you'd speak up, he had his eyes on you, smirking.  Then there was a slight flushing of his cheeks.  Was he nervous?  Or was that the blush?  You shrugged it off.  No way Tom liked you like that.  There was no way.  

Then, just like that, in a matter of minutes, Tom escorted you through set.  You came to a building where there was a curtain.  He pulled back the curtain, showing you the scene.  Then he held up a finger to his lips.

"I'm not supposed to show you, but, it's right here," Tom shrugged, holding a hand behind each of your backs as you exited the building, coming face to face with Jacob.  "Hey, man.  What's up?"  They did a handshake, then Jacob smiled to the both of you.

"You guys won the contest!  Congrats.  Welcome.  How's the tour?  Is Tom spoiling things?"  Tom rolled his eyes at his question, nudging him in the arm.  Jacob chuckled.  "See you guys around.  I have to go film a scene."  Jacob was gone as soon as he'd left, leaving you both alone with Tom.  Then he nodded off to a different trailer.

"Unfortunately, I have to film two small scenes before we go to lunch.  Is it okay if I leave you with Harrison?  He's chill.  You can ask him to show you some more places."  

"That sounds good," you told Tom, to earn a smile in return.  The three of you came to a trailer.  Without knocking, Tom entered the trailer.  Harrison peeked his head from behind his computer, coming up with a smirk.

"Hello," Tom greeted him.  "This is Y/N and Y/B/N.  Mind showing them around for about an hour?  Then we'll all go to lunch."  He nodded, coming up to greet you.  Then Tom was gone.  And you were off again.

It seemed like ages before you saw Tom again, but the three of you sat down about two hours later over a giant tray of pizza and paper plates.  Not exactly the most nutritious or fancy lunch, but the three of you were enjoying it very much.  Every so often, Tom eyed you.  After about his fourth or fifth piece, he leaned back in his chair and looked at you.

"What are you guys doing, say, after six tonight?"  Your best friend and you exchanged looks.  Tom turned red in the cheeks.  "I wanted to take you for a proper dinner, in the spirit of the charity and everything.  Seeing as pizza isn't exactly what you probably had in mind."

"We'd love to," your best friend interjected, sending you a look.  In the spirit of charity.  Somehow, deep down, you knew that there was another reason.  No, that was silly.  It was all just for charity.  Tom would never.  

"Great.  I can't wait," Tom said, grabbing another piece of pizza, giving you a wink.  "I swear, you both are going to love this place.  Mum and Dad showed it to me ages ago and it's amazing."

"It sounds good," you said, nibbling on your piece of pizza quietly.  Tom glanced over at you, then back down to his pizza.  Somehow, you knew this London trip was going to be something much more special than just an exclusive look at the new Spider-man movie.  This was going to be something unforgettable.  

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